(24) End of Year 3

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I haven't seen my sister since Crabbe came in and said the hippogryph was executed. We searched the castle after she was gone for more than 30 minutes and nowhere to be seen in the Slytherin house. I was about to give up and just wait for her to come back since it felt like we searched everywhere but I spotted Monty running towards me. He's about the same size as a dog so I'm surprised he wasn't stopped at all while coming to find me.

He started making whimpering noises and pacing. I think he wants me to follow him. I started following him and he broke out onto a run. I sprinted after the seemingly worried dragon. He led me to the front of the school and I could see Snape, Granger, and Weasley. Granger seemed to be helping Weasley walk which looked difficult as they were all walking quickly.

Snape is carrying someone in his arms but at second glance I can see that someone is my sister. Her platinum blonde hair rocked as Snape walked quickly to the school with her limp body in his arms. She looks...dead. From a distance I can see her blood soaked arm through her shirt. Wait...blood soaked?! I sprinted towards them taking my sister from Snape. I started rushing as fast as I can to the hospital with Arrow lying limply in my arms.

"Oh Dear!" Madame Pomfrey cried upon seeing Arrow. She led me to a bed and I carefully set Arrow down on it. "What happened?" She questioned after seeing my unconscious sisters blood covered arm. She looked to me but could quickly tell I had no idea so she turned to Professor Snape.

"She was attacked by a werewolf." He answered. A werewolf! What was Arrow doing around a werewolf?! Snape pulled me out of the room after answering a few more of Madame Pomfrey's questions. He told me everything that happened and I just stood there with a shocked expression. First of all, why would Arrow even offer to help Weasley in the first place. She is going to have a lot of explaining to do when she wakes up.


I woke up to the bright sun shinning in the room. I tried to move my arm arm but immense pain shot through me. The events to what happened came flooding back. Once I was able to focus more on my surroundings I saw the familiar look of the hospital wing. I slowly looked to the side and saw my brother asleep on a chair next to me. I used most of my remaining strength to grab a a hold of his hand. He shot awake and looked at me.

"Your awake!" he exclaimed while giving me a tight hug. I laughed a bit before pushing him away.

"How long have I been out?" I asked him, still feeling tired.

"2 days." He muttered. 2 days!? Who the hell is asleep for 2 days after getting a bloody scratch. "I haven't left your side. Not even to eat."

"Draco, you shouldn't have done that." I replied quietly. It's not healthy for him to not move from the same spot for 2 days.

He ignored my comment and changed the conversation. "Someone's been wanted to see you." He reached down into his robe pocket and out came Monty. Monty happily jumped from Draco's hand and onto the bed.

Draco helped me sit up as Monty jumped around on the bed. I laughed a bit before turning my attention to Madame Pomfrey, who just entered the room.

"Good to see you awake Miss Malfoy." She greeted with a smile. "I should be able to let you go but as long as you take it easy. You lost a lot of blood so your body doesn't have all it's strength right now."

"I'll keep her in check." Draco replied. Madame Pomfrey gave him a smile before allowing me to go.

Draco wrapped his arm around around my waist to keep me upright and help me walk to the Great Hall where everyone else is. I started to stumbled a bit so I wrapped my braced arm around his shoulders, which is quiet difficult because of the height difference but we made it work. Draco didn't want me going to the great hall right after leaving the medical bay but I don't want to sit around and do nothing.

"Hey, need any help." We stopped to see Fred and George walking up to us. Draco nodded and moved aside as the 2nd set of twins stood on either side of me helping me stand upright and walk. I put my arm around Fred's waist and he wrapped his arm around mine. On the other side of me George wrapped his arm around my waist as well, being careful of my arm which is bandaged. The three of us walked off to the great hall with Draco trailing closely behind.

Once we all walked in I noticed a crowd around Potter. I scoffed as the Weasley twins helped me sit down at the Slytherin table.
They both bowed a goodbye before running off somewhere.

After a little while we decided we had enough in here and Draco helped me outside into the courtyard. A few other Slytherins followed us out and we all indulged in a conversation about the events of this school year.

Potter, followed by many of the Gryffindor members ran out of the building. I rolled my eyes at them before returning to the conversation but that was short lived as Potter mounted a new broom it looks like. He shot up into the air screaming as everyone watched. My group however laughed at his incapability to control the broom.

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