(37) Cabinent

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Draco and I spent a lot of time searching for the cabinet and now, Draco thinks he finally found it. The two of us walked side by side through the dark empty halls. Only our footsteps can be heard. Draco stopped me in front of a wall and it opened revealing a secret room. The room is filled with all sorts of items. I looked around a bit before walking after Draco. He's tossing an apple into the air and then catching it again as he walks  towards the cabinet. Draco pulled off the dusty sheet and underneath it is indeed the cabinet. We stared at a moment, studying the way it looked.


I took Draco to hogsmead for a while, we need to get away. He wore his black suit which seems to be the only thing he wears besides the school informs. Meanwhile, I wore some comfy trousers and a thick, dark green sweater

"Let's go grab a butterbeer. I'll pay." I stated, dragging him along with me in the snow and into the three broomsticks.

Draco walked quickly to a table but stopped abruptly. I ran into him from behind and surprisingly he didn't budge as well. "Draco, what the hell?" I whisper yelled but he stared forward. I looked in the direction he was staring in, Potter.

He's staring at Potter and Potter is staring back at him. They gazed into each others eyes as I stood beside observing them. Draco almost looks, guilty when looking at Potter. There's definitely something going on that I need to know about.

"Let's go" He muttered and took my hand, dragging me out of the shop.

"What was that?" I demanded, he didn't answer right away and instead kept walking. "Draco!" I yelled and stood directly in front of him, placing a hand on his chest to stop him.

"I don't know!" He yelled and removed my hand rather harshly. He kept on walking, leaving me alone in the middle of the town, in the cold. He yelled at me? He actually yelled at me.

Draco has never yelled at me like that. Whenever he does it's out of a playful manor or sometimes out of fear but never out of anger.

I heard a scream and it came from the bridge. I snuck a glance from a distance. It's the girl that  was given the necklace. She wasn't supposed to touch it! It was supposed to go to Dumbledore.

The snow started to fall rather quickly now and I looked around hoping i can spot Draco but he's nowhere to be seen. This isn't like him. He's not one to yell at me and then just vanish.

I ran as fast as I could through the snow and back to the castle. If my brother doesn't want to see me then fine by that. I should might as well find the other one that has something to do with this matter, Potter.


I waited outside the door for Potter's meeting to finish. The door opened and everyone but Potter exited the room.

I decided to wait outside the room for a bit longer. The door opened once more and out came Potter. I shoved him against the wall in a quick movement, catching him by surprise.

"Let me go." He demanded as he struggled against my grip.

"What did you do to my brother!" I shouted in his face.

"I don't know what you mean. You know everything. Your're with him all the time." He replied still trying to break free.

I pushed him harder against the wall out of anger, he whined a bit at the pain. "Don't lie to me Potter! I saw the way he acted when you looked at him."

"I don't know what your talking about. Now let me go!" The bloody fool is trying to play it off, I won't let him. I was about to say more but Professor McGonagall intervened.

"Miss Malfoy! I suggest you let go of him and once." I gave Potter one last shove before walking off. I will find out.


I still haven't seen my brother. I tried to busy myself in the great hall but I didn't really feel like eating.

Instead I stared at the empty plate. I haven't seen Draco since he yelled at me yesterday afternoon. It's really not like him to disappear for so long, especially from me.

I know the deed we've been asked to carry out is taking a toll on him but that doesn't explain what went down in the three broomsticks.

Weasley walked in and the boys I was sitting with started making fun of him.

"Come on Arrow, join in." Goyle laughed as they continued shouting at Ron.

"Shove off, Goyle" I snapped. He, thankfully, backed off.

"Arrow, why don't we go watch the match and cheer on the Slytherin team? It will help you get your mind off Draco." Blaise asked, offering his hand out. I took it and the two of us walked out to the field.

I drowned out the game, I'm not really in the mood for sports right now. From what I could tell Weasley won the game for his team but none of that really matters.

I continued to look everywhere for my twin brother but I've had no luck in finding him yet. He's avoiding me and I wish I knew why. I hate it. I hate that he hasn't come to me yet. He's supposed to trust me but I guess he doesn't trust me after all.


I leaned against the balcony watching the snow fall in the dark. Only a few faint lights illuminating the sky.

My mind feels overcrowded with guilt. I shouldn't have abandoned my sister like that but I can't face her. Not after what she said back in Hogsmead but it's the truth.

I don't know what that was. The second I saw Potter, I felt...guilty and the whole truth is I don't know why. I also feel guilty about ditching Arrow. I haven't seen her for a day and a half.

I've been finding ways to avoid her which meant I spent a lot of my time up here, staring out at the sky. The stars are awfully bright tonight, maybe I'll just stay up here for the night and watch the stars.

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