(12) End of Year 2

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Tom Riddle was stopped and the trio saved the school once again. They gave me a bit of credit which I'd rather not have.

I spotted my father and passed right by him. Only giving a small smile. Dobby is trailing behind him, he looks terrified. He always looks terrified around my father.

We all gathered into the Great Hall for a final supper. Granger showed up and the trio had a "touching" reunion. She waved at me and I forced myself to wave back. Pansy snickered beside me.

"Could I have your attention please?" Professor McGonagall tapped on her glass.

"Before we begin the feast. Let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madame Ponfrey, whose mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who have been petrified." The room erupted into cheers and applause. Draco and I stayed still along with a few other Slytherins. "Also in light of the recent events as a school treat. All exams have been canceled." Everyone clapped and cheered even louder. This time I joined in. That is something to clap for.

The doors opened in walked Hagrid. Everyone looked very happy to see him.

"Glad he's back." I whispered sarcastically to Draco. He snickered at my comment.

The room started clapping for Hagrid and gave him a standing ovation. Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. Crabbe got caught up in the clapping and stood up but Draco caught him and pulled him back down.


I lugged my heavy trunk to the platform for them to load on the train. Draco copied my actions.

"Arrow! Come sit with us!" Granger called for me. I have an annoyed look at my twin.

"It's only for one more train ride and then we'll drop the bomb next year." He smiled. I laughed and gave him as best a hug as I can with my arm still in a cast and sling.

"Hey" I greeted Granger. "Glad to have you back" I lied.

On the train the trio is chattering an awful lot.

"Arrow, we have a question." I looked up from my book to see Potter speaking to me.

"Ask away" I responded, closing the book.

"Well, Ron saw you hugging Malfoy and we're just wondering if you two are friends or something?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Is it a problem if I am?" I narrowed.

"Not at all." Granger was quick to answer. "He's just not the best person to be around. You're so much nicer than he is." I internally laughed, if anything I can be much meaner than Draco. Father even agrees that he's the nice one out of us.

"Thanks for looking out for me." I lied once more. My lying skills have definitely improved during this year.

The train rolled to a stop and I was the first one to get up.

"See you next year." Granger waved as I walked out of the compartment. I waved back and then rushed off to find my parents. I shoved best I could through the crowd and finally spotted my father.

I pushed through the crowd and then bolted towards Father. I hugged him tightly, he can be very rough but I did still miss him. Draco soon joined us and we apperated home.

Draco and I left our things by the door for the remaining house elves to get and take up to our rooms. I spotted mother waiting for us. I hugged her tightly as well, she returned the favor.

"My sweet girl, how's your arm?" Mother asked pulling away from the motherly hug.

"Madame Pomfrey told my the bludger shattered the bone in my arm and it must stay wrapped for a little longer." I repeated what Madame Pomfrey told me before I left.

"We will make sure you get the proper healing." She kisses my forehead before moving on to Draco.

I picked up my small bag and trudged up the many stairs and to my room. Draco and I have almost an entire floor to ourselves since the manor is ginormous. We could even have a floor each but we prefer to stay closer together. Hence, the connecting door between ours rooms.

I heard Draco messing around in his room and decided to go in there. He's busy unpacking his bags. I plopped down on his huge bed and relaxed as he unpacked.

"You're in the way, Arrow." Draco stated, I didn't move. Which is when he decided to throw a pile of his dirty clothes on top of me. I scrambled up, hurting my arm in the process.

I winced in a bit of pain before glaring at Draco. "Do you mind?" I snapped, moving to another spot on the large bed and getting comfortable once more.

"You are in my room. If you just wanted to lay on the bed go do that in your room." He replied, throwing more of his clothes onto the bed.

I huffed and climbed off his bed and walking into my room, getting onto my own bed. "It's not as comfortable." I yelled at him after laying down, letting the many pillows engulf me.

"Sorry to hear that but it's not my problem." He yelled in response.

I huffed once more but my eyelids are starting to grow heavy and before I knew it. I was asleep.

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