(28) Yule Ball

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Tonight is the Yule Ball but I don't have anyone to go with so I'm deciding to just skip it.

"Arrow?" I looked up to see Draco in the doorway of my room. Pansy left hours ago so it's just me. "Someone is waiting for you out in the hall." He walked away while I got up, confused.

I walked out of the Slytherin house to see George with a black rose.

"I was hoping you'd like to go with me to the Yule Ball." He asked me, handing me the rose in the process. I stood in disbelief for a moment. George and I have always been good friends but I didn't think he would ask me to the Yule Ball.

"I would love too." I said taking the rose. He pulled me in for a hug before waving goodbye. I waved back before going back into the common room.

"Did you say yes?" Draco's voice startled me.

"How the hell did you know?" I asked a bit surprised.

"He asked me before hand if it was okay if he asked you." He responded with a shrug.

"And you allowed him?" Draco nodded. "Who are you and what have you done with my twin brother?" I laughed, he rolled his eyes before ushering me off to get ready and apparently he asked someone because he walked off to get ready as well.

I put on the only dress I brought and admired myself in the mirror.

I put on the only dress I brought and admired myself in the mirror

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My mother helped me pick out this one. I let my hair fall freely and brushed out my curls which only made them worse as my hair turned fuzzy. I groaned and used my my wand to return my hair back to their former natural curls. My hair looked perfect now and as for makeup I just went with a natural look.

I'm not one for the overly fancy look. I put on a pair of short silver heels and put on my emerald snake necklace. I hardly ever take my bracelet or earing off so I don't have to waste time putting them on. I walked out to the common room, my heels clicking against the floor with each step. Draco is already in here waiting for me, he's wearing his all black suit per usual.

"You look lovely." He greeted once he heard me enter the room.

"Thank you, you look good as well." I complemented back. He smiled before holding his arm out for me to take. I did as we walked from the dungeons to the Great Hall where the ball is being held.

We walked in and I immediately spotted George. Fred doesn't seem to be with him, which is something that doesn't happen often.

I left Draco on his own as walked up to George. He's wearing a grey suit which does indeed look very good on him and his hair is neatly brushed.

"May I have this dance?" He bowed and then held you his hand for me to take.

I curtsied and took his hand. "You may" I smiled and he led me onto the dance floor.

As time went on, I found myself relaxing more to the music. I didn't feel as tense or nervous.

I spotted Draco dancing with Astoria Greengrass. He spotted me and smiled which I returned. He whispered something to Astoria and they stopped dancing. He made his way through the crowd up to George and I.

"Can I dance with my sister?" He asked and George nodded. Draco took my hand and we began dancing together.

"Has he been treating you right so far?" Draco asked while we were dancing, his protective side is showing. I laughed and nodded. "Good."

We continued dancing for a while until the last dance. I dance with George and Draco danced with Astoria.

When the night ended Draco and I walked back to our dorms together. Both of us were talking about how much fun we had. I hugged him goodnight and walked off to my own dorm room.

I went to bed that night with a smile on my face.

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