(62) Taken

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Hermione stayed true to her word and she's been watching me like a hawk since Professor McGonagall asked her to 2 weeks ago.

I've been hearing calls from my father but I've been doing the best I could to avoid them.

"You two are so cute together." I complimented to Harry and Draco. Ron, Hermione, Draco, Luna, Ginny, Harry, and I are all sitting in the great hall for breakfast.

Food appeared into the tables and the smell quickly traveled to my nose. I don't know what it is but something is making me nauseous. I darted right for the girls lavatory.

Once I reached it I threw up until I was sure there was nothing left.

"Arrow!" Hermione's yelled for me.

"I'm over here." I said weakly and in seconds the door to the stall flew open. Hermione sat down beside me while Luna handed her a wet wash rag. Ginny started asking me all sorts of questions but Luna shushed her.

"This has been going on for a week. Every morning when I wake up I've been finding you hunched over, throwing up. You need to go see Madame Pomfrey." Hermione is serious, I'm almost afraid what would happen if I don't listen to her. I nodded slowly as leaned up against the stall. The other three girls watched me closely to see what would happen next.

When I exited the bathrooms I tripped over my own feet but someone caught me before I could fall. I went limp in their arms and looked up to see the gray eyes of my twin brother. He tied to help me stand on my own but I have no energy. I haven't gotten a decent nights sleep in what feels like forever and whatever I eat, I end up throwing it up.

"I'm taking you to the hospital wing." He started helping me towards it but I stumbled away.

"I am not going there. I've been way too much, I'm sure it's nothing." The look he gave me says I don't have a choice. "Fine, I'll go after class." He sighed and moved aside so we can go to potions together.


We all sat around as Professor Slughorn explained...something. I haven't really been listening. Something could seriously be wrong with me. I can't go back to the hospital wing, I bet Madame Pomfrey is sick of me by now.

Before Slughorn could drain on any longer the doors flew open and hit the wall with a loud crack.

"We're looking for Draco and Arrow Malfoy. Charged with murder, being a death eater, and working alongside others in taking over the ministry and the muggle world." In the doorway is three Azkaban authorities. I started to feel sick to my stomach as Draco pulled me closer to him. Father must have been locked up in they're all looking for us now.

For some reason all the bloody idiots in this class looked right and Draco and I. Two of them stomped towards us. "Let's go." He snarled. One of them gripped my arm hard and forced me away from the table.

They tied our hands behind us with a barbed chain that's certainly going to leave a mark. They clamped a chain rope around my hands and neck as a well.

I harshly got pulled out of the classroom with all the students eyes burning into me. Hermione gave me a pitiful look as I was dragged past her. She stood still because she knows they can't do anything.

I watched as Harry couldn't even look at Draco, his eyes were fixed on the floor.

"Wait! This is not what was supposed to happen!" We all watched as Professor McGonagall came running into the room. She's a frantic mess.

"We have stated their charges and they are required to be locked up. Nothing can change the ministers mind." The leader stated coldly. I broke away from the guard holding the chain and stepped up to Professor McGonagall.

I leaned into her for one last hug but it wasn't very good since my hands were chained up. She wrapped her arms around me but it wasn't very long. I walked jerked away and almost fell to the ground.

I tried to fight against the restraints as my twin brother was dragged away out of my sight and through the dark, gloomy halls. If I have to be here I want to be with Draco.

The man leading me away slapped me, leaving a mark I'm sure. I'm trying to keep the tears at bay but it's not working. We stopped in front of a thick metal door, he took the chains off and shoved me into the cell. I fell to the, cold, hard ground and felt a pain coming from my stomach. I clutched it tightly and moved against the wall.

There's a river of tears falling down my cheeks. I did everything do deserve this but I would much rather be at the school with all my friends. Sitting in front of the fire while laughing at all of Ron's jokes. I can almost feel the warmth of the fire.

I moved away from my spot against the wall and stared out through the bars of the small window. The water is thrashing below.

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