(59) Am I Dead?

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Like the last chapter, this might not make sense but you know, whatever.

3rd Person

Hermione was sitting in the hospital wing accompanied by Harry, Draco, Ginny, and Ron. They were all waiting for Arrow to wake up. Which also gave them some time for Harry and Draco to talk, as well as a long discussion with Ron.

Arrow has been unconscious for 10 days. Draco was only out of it for 12 hours. No one knows what happened to the twins, not even Draco. He hasn't told anyone though what went on while he was unconscious.

"Has she woken up yet?" George asked as he walked into the hospital room. He's barely left Arrow's side other than when he talked to his parents or when the others make his get sleep. With a sad face Hermione shook her head.

George took his usual spot on an uncomfortable chair by the bed. Ron made Hermione leave to relax. She's been just as worried as Draco and George. The two of them left leaving the three boys quietly sitting around.

Until, Draco had enough of sitting around and watching his sister laying almost lifeless on the bed. He left with Harry trialing after him, leaving only George with Arrow.

He sadly pulled a black box out of his pocket and observed it before putting it back in his pocket.


I don't know how long it's been. It feels like hours I've been trapped where ever I am.

I'm in a black room with absolutely nothing in it but a large window letting in light. Whenever I look out the window I don't see anything.

I leaned up against one of the walls and slid to the floor. Tears slid down my face once more. I didn't think I had any left. It feels like I've been nonstop crying for however long I've been in this room. The last thing I remember is being at the burrow.

Being trapped here has left me alone to my thoughts, which is not a good thing. I've replayed everything through my head. I never realized how much I was brainwashed as a child.

Raised to belief that everything wrong was actually the right thing. I don't want to live like that anymore but it comes naturally. 19 years living like that has a permanent mark.

I rested my head on my knees, hoping that maybe I'll finally get some sleep. That didn't last long once everything started to go white. It became so bright that I had to cover my eyes.

I started to hear voices which lead me to opening my eyes. I found myself in another field expect this one if filled with people. I felt a wave of pain when I realized who.

"Arrow? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here." An all to familiar face came running up to me.

"Fred?" I cried a bit. "Where am I?" He looked down with a sympathetic look. It hit me hard when the pieces started to come together.

People stopped talking and all looked at me with hurt expressions. Fred, Cedric, Lupin, Sirius, Tonks, Snape, Dumbledore, many of Hogwarts former students, and the last two I can only guess are Harry's parents. I don't like this, not one bit.

What happened to me?

"How did you get here." Snape was the first to speak out of the crowd. He pulled me aside as most of the students returned to their previous activities. All of the adults joined Snape and I.

"I-I don't know." My voice is starting to break.

"Hello darling. My name is Lily, Lily Potter. Everything is going to be okay." Lily gave me a hug and a warm smile.

"You're Harry's mom?" It's a dumb question, I know, but I can't think of anything else to say.

I'm not so sure how much time has passed but I like being here. It's relaxing but every time I look at Fred I think of George. How I left him and my brother behind.

3rd Person

George was slowly dozing off in the chair beside the bed. He's barely gotten any sleep for 10 days. Just before he shut his eyes George took one last glance at Arrow to see if she's showing any signs of waking up.

There was no sign of life in Arrow's body. She wasn't breathing.

George took quickly notice and sprang up from the chair. He yelled for Madame Pomfrey and sprinted off to find Draco. He didn't even wait for Madame Pomfrey.

George wasn't paying much attention to what was around the corner and ran right into Ron. They both fell back with a thud and Ron was quick to tell that George was in a frantic state.

"It's Arrow." Was all George could stutter out in deep breaths. His attempt to calm down isn't working too well. Ron to action and went off to find the others. He knows for certain that Draco and Harry are off somewhere together and Hermione was last in the common room. It's possible that they are all in there together.

Back in the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey was trying everything she could to get Arrow breathing again. She was interrupted by 5 people sprinting into the room. Draco was by his sisters side in a matter of seconds.

George started muttering 'not again' over and over under his breath. After loosing Fred and feeling the pain of loosing Arrow once he couldn't go through all that pain again and this time it could be permanent.

No going back.

Draco felt the same. He already lost his twin sister one time, he didn't want it to happen again. All he can think about is how he can't go through this alone.

Hermione started crying and hugged Ron tightly. Sure, she and Arrow had a rough few years but they just became friends, good friends and Hermione wasn't ready to let her go so soon.

Madame Pomfrey worked tirelessly until she finally got a sign of life from the dying student. Arrow's eyes fluttered open and Madame Pomfrey cheered in success.


The last thing I remember was having a peaceful conversation with Lily until everything went white again. When I opened my eyes I saw the familiar look of the hospital wing ceiling.

One I've seen way too many times. I was first met with Madame Pomfrey thoroughly checking me over and then Draco was hovering over me. He looks upset and relieved at the same time.

"What's this I heard about a student dying!" The familiar voice of Professor McGonagall filled the room.

I sat up to fast and groaned from the pounding of my head. "I'm all good, Professor. False alarm."

She smiled widely. "Well, we're glad you're still here with us. Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without you."

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