(23) Werewolf

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The rat rantowards a hole in the wall but Lupin casts some sort of spell turning the rat into an ugly man mid jump. They grab hold of Pettigrew pulling him up.

"Remus? Sirius? My old friends!" Pettigrew sincerly says before trying to make and escape attempt once more but they catch him and push him back to where he was standing.

"Harry! Look at you. You look so much like your father. James. We were the best of friends..." Pettigrew says moving closer to Potter.

"How dare you speak to Harry!" Black yells pushing Peter away from Potter. "How dare you speak about James in front of him!" Pettigrew runs away once more but Lupin and Sirius corner him.

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort!" Lupin yells and I quietly gasp. That's where I know him from. My father is one of Voldemort's top and most devoted death eater, after Bellatrix.

According to my father Voldemort would him almost everything and my father most often would share it with me. I obviously don't remember the night of the Potter's death but I do remember my father telling me about it and who ratted them out to Voldemort.

"I didn't mean to!" Pettigrew muttered.

"Liar" I calmly stated. I don't know why but I guess I'm just bored of staying quiet plus I want to see someone get hurt instead of some boring and unnecessary conversation. "My father told me about you and what you did. You ratted out the Potters so that Voldemort would keep you safe and give you some form of recognition." Everyone looked at me with shock.

"Who is your father?" Peter demanded, frightening me a bit...just a bit.

"Lucius Malfoy." I replied confidently. Pettigrew looked shocked and then spoke up once more.

"Then why are you helping them? You should be helping me!" He pleaded, he's got a point there. My family is on Voldemort's side much like Pettigrew is or was. While as everyone else is here is against him. I decided not to answer him or do anything to help him which drove Pettigrew crazy but I did get a few stares from the trio. They must be wondering what Pettigrew means because my guess is they don't know anything about my family being on Voldemort's side. "The Dark Lord. You have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself, Sirius! What would you have done? What would you have done?"

"Died, rather than betray my friends!" Black yelled in response. Pettigrew made an escape attempt once more but Potter blocked his way of going through the door.

"James wouldn't have wanted me killed!" He whisper yelled in Potter's ear. "You dad would have spared me! He would have shown me mercy! " The other two men pulled him off Potter and pointed their wands at him.

"Should have realized if Voldemort didn't kill you, we would. Together!" Black yelled, he was about to blast peter with his wand but Potter stopped him. Oh my gosh! Can't we just kill him already and move on. I swear hero's do more talking than actual hero work. Just get the job done and move on, no need to have a conversation.

"Harry, this man..."

"I know what he is but we'll take him to the castle." Harry started, walking towards Pettigrew.

"Bless you boy. Bless you!"

"Get off! I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you." Potter said which caused Pettigrew to have more fear than he already did.

We all made our way out off the shack through the tunnel. I trailed behind everyone else. I forgot that Monty was still in my pocket so I was busy making sure he was okay while everyone else had a conversation ahead of me.

Once we got to the exit I shoved past everyone else which caused Sirius and Potter to drop Weasley. I don't care though, I quickly climbed out and took in a deep breath of fresh air. Everyone in that room stuck so it's nice to be in the fresh air once more. I knelt down beside Granger and Weasley.

"That looks painful." Granger quietly and calmly said.

"It's very painful." Weasley responded.

"They might chop it." I chuckled. Weasley looked at me with fear written all over his face. I chuckled once more.

"Don't listen to her. I'm sure Madame Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat." Granger stated to calm Weasley down while glaring at me.

"It's too late. It's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off." I said with a completely serious tone this time. The color drained from Weasley's face. "You know I'm just messing with you Ron." I nudged him with my shoulder to make sure he knows I'm not completely serious. He smiled a bit before laughing a little.

Lupin pulled Pettigrew out of he exit with him muttering. "Turn me into a flobberworm. Anything but the dementors! Ron! Haven't I been a good pet? You won't let them give me to the dementors will you? I was your rat! Sweet, clever girl! Surely you won't let them. What about you!" He looked from Granger to me. "I'm sure your father can save me!"

"Get away from them!" Lupin demanded pulling Pettigrew away from the three of us. He continued muttering for help but it won't do him any good and as if my father would save him. The only people my father would save is his family...maybe. I'm not entirely sure if he wouldn't even stick up for us or try to save us if it meant harm for himself.

"Harry!" Granger called out and pointed to the full moon emerging from the clouds. This can't be good. I looked to Lupin in fear but he seems to already trapped by the moons bright glow. He instantly started turning.

"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight? You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! Here! The flesh is only flesh." Black tried to help Lupin but it's no use. He's too far gone now. Pettigrew however tried to escape once more with a dropped wand but Potter stopped him at least we thought he did. Pettigrew turned back into a rat and scurried off but none of us dared to go after him because it's too dangerous.

Black shouted at us to run but we're frozen in fear. All the loud noises caused me to hug Weasley and bury my face in his shoulder. Differences didn't seem to matter now as Ron let go of Granger and wrapped his arms around me.

I can't see what's going on but I'm also glad I can't. I let go of Weasley but he still kept me close. Oddly I feel safe even though I'm sure I'm stronger than him. I watched as Hermione walked towards the werewolf despite our protests for her not to.

"Professor?" The wolf looked up at Granger as his cries became quieter. "Professor Lupin?" The werewolf howled startling us all as Granger moved back towards us. We all hugged each other tightly as Lupin came towards us.

Snape emerged from the ground and faced Potter. "There you are, Potter!" He didn't even see the wolf behind us until Hermione and I pointed it out. He quickly turned around and then stood protectively in front of us while moving all five of us back away from the werewolf.

The wolf swiped his paw at us and we all fell down. I felt a sharp pain in my arm but I was too focused on everything else to stop and look at it. It was in my good arm so I know it's not from just moving quickly. He was about to have another go but a large black dog attacked him, pushing him away from us.

I backed away and watched as the two creatures battled it out. Snape stood in front of the four of us again as the two beasts went at it. They ran away down a path and Potter started running after them. The idiot is going to get himself killed!

"Come back here, Potter!" Snape commanded trying to grab a hold of Potter but he missed and Potter kept running after them. Snape made no effort to go after him though. He instead turned around checked over the remaining of us.

I heard Potter's screams which frightened Granger. She grabbed a hold of me and hugged me tightly. I didn't pull away though, with everything that's just happened I don't think I have the energy to pull away and then fight with her about it.

"We need to get you three to the hospital now!" Snape instructed. Everything started to feel fuzzy and I started to get dizzy. I guess I didn't feel the blood gushing from my arm till now. I started to fall back but everything went black before I even hit the ground.

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