(49) Old Ways

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"What class do we have next?"

I sighed at Draco's question. He never pays attention and relies on me to get him to the proper classes on time. "We have Transfigurations next."

He followed me through the halls and during that students quickly moved out of the way to avoid us.

Any students who's not a Slytherin is scared of us. We get insults and angry stares all day, everyday. It gets annoying after a while. I try not to be mean to them because that only supports their ideas of us, Death eaters. We may still be considered death eaters but we aren't.

The stupid dark marks don't mean anything now.

I opened the large, wooden door to Professor McGonagall's classroom. Upon arriving students turned their heads and quieted down to see the two death eaters of the school walk into a classroom. It's ridiculous.

"Quit staring." I snapped when I should have just kept my mouth shut but they need to learn some respect. Obviously they haven't been taught well. Unlucky for them, they didn't stop staring. "I said." I lent down next to a nervous looking Hufflepuff girl. "Quit. Staring." I said right into her face. She looks like she's going to faint.

"Miss Malfoy, I request that you keep your attitude in check or you'll find yourself in some serious trouble." I sighed and faced Professor McGonagall. What is she going to do about it? I don't really care at this point if I'm expelled. I scoffed at her with a bit of a laugh hidden in it.

"Whatever." I muttered quietly and took a seat next to Draco.

Class dragged on forever but it's finally over now. I got scolded again during class for not paying attention and whispering to Draco.

Apparently is caused a disruption to the other students. Not like any of them pay attention anyways. McGonagall dismissed the class and I took my sweet time gathering my things and walking out.

"Arrow" I rolled my eyes. I know that voice and I'd rather not speak to her at the moment.

"What do you want Granger." I snapped angrily. She stood in front of me, confidently.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to act like this. Especially in these circumstances." Really? She cares about my well-being? I'm sure it's all just an act. Since when do Mud-bloods care about what happens to a death eater?

"I can take care of myself, Granger. I don't need you to do it for me and judging by the looks of the other students. None of them think it's safe for a Mud-blood to be talking to a death eater. I'd suggest you run along." I'm a few inches taller than her so my leaning height over her looks intimidating to the others watching us.

I paused a moment and watched as a student ran off and came back with a Professor. It's Professor Slughorn, one of the many professors that hate me.

"I suggest you back away from Miss Granger." I stayed still and folded my arms over my chest. "Miss Malfoy, I will not ask again." I only partly listened to Slughorn and backed up a few steps, not enough though to his standard.

"Hermione, come on." Wesley whispered rather loudly. Awe, look who's concerned for his girlfriend.

"Look at that, Weasley cares for his girlfriends well-being." Draco mocked, finally joining the conversation.

"You two are going to get expelled." Potter added in. By now there's a large group of students surrounding us.

"Like that's actually going to happen." I quickly responded. "We all know the teachers are too scared to do anything to us. We don't want another war, now do we?" By now I'm too far gone to even think about what come out of my mouth. I also noticed that Professor Slughorn is no longer part of the group. Some teacher he is.

They all backed up from Draco and I after what I said. I quite enjoy this newfound joy in their fear. I used to feel bad about it but now...now things have changed, people change. If they want to act scared of me, then I'm going to give them a reason. Other than being a death eater and killing the former headmaster of this school.

I got out of trouble for that one by saying I was being controlled by the imperious curse. To my luck, they all believed every little lie I told. I acted out of fear that night, fear that my brother or I could die. I'm glad I acted on it, now Draco and I are perfectly fine. Feared my every student here but perfectly fine.

Draco and I proudly strolled away from the now large group of students, our heads held high. That was until we got stopped by Professor McGonagall in the hall. Slughorn is with her, this is just great.

"Come with me." She ordered and we did so. She led us to her office and motioned for the tow of us to sit down but we denied and stayed standing. "Arrow, Horace here tells me what went on in the halls. I gave you a chance this year and you've let me down." Her words don't affect me at all. I can care less on what she thinks. Everyone here hates me either way.

"What's my punishment then? Detention? Asking for my parents? Being expelled? Getting sent off to Azkaban?" I replied without a care in the world.

"I still have some hope for you so under no circumstances will I send you two to Azkaban. There is surely something else that will help you children learn your lesson." I frowned at her words. Draco did nothing, this was all me.

"Draco didn't do anything. There's no reason for you to punish the both of us." I snapped.

"Professor Slughorn here told me otherwise." She motioned to the quiet teacher in the back of the room.

"That's because he hates us. I mean, who likes a death eater anyways? Certainly no one in this school, that's for certain." I know better than to talk back but I can't help myself.

"I'm going to owl your mother and father and have them come to the school at once. I will not tolerate your behavior young lady." Shes angry now.

"We all know that's not true. You don't want them around the students so why would you call them?" I retorted and Draco agreed.

"You two are dismissed until later. If I hear about one more slip up the odds with not be in you favor." She pointed to the door which opened itself letting Draco and I out.

I walked through the halls with Draco right beside me. Draco has nothing to do with this but he assured that he'll take the fall with me.

He shouldn't have to.

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