(53) Back in Action

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When I stopped running I found myself in an empty corridor. Only a few flames are lighting it up. I'm not exactly sure where I am, the tears clouded my vision. I started wiping some of my tears away but they were soon replaced by new ones.

How could he say that? I thought Draco was happy that Im alive. If he was in my position I would try anything to bring him back. I was lucky enough to come back. Some weren't, like Fred.

"Need some company?" I looked up through the tears to see Fred standing next to me. I nodded and he took a seat on the ground beside me. "Want to talk about it?" I shook my head, I don't ever want to bring that up again. I was just trying to help. He acted like I completely messed up his life. I hate seeing Draco unhappy.

I stayed in the corridor accompanied by Fred until the early ours of the morning.

By the time morning I woke up to find myself in the hall. I don't remember falling asleep last night. I guess all that crying tired me out. Fred is nowhere to be seen so I'm guessing he went back to the Gryffindor house since he is their ghost. I wonder if Weasley has seen him yet?

I got up and ran my hand along the walls as I found my way to the Great Hall. It's filled with students chattering away and having breakfast. Draco is one of those students. I was about to go in there but instead turned around. I don't want to be anywhere near him.

I left the room and walked on my own back to the Slytherin common room. No one is there, they're all at breakfast. I collapsed onto an arm chair and stared at an empty painting on the all by the entry way.

After Snape died they put his portrait in the common room. I convinced the ghost of Snape lives in the painting of him. Right now he's not in the painting. Must be off scolding some other students.

I started dozing off again but a burning sensation coming from my arm jolted me away. I pulled up the sleeve of my grey Slytherin sweater to find my dark mark moving. The stinging feeling grew. When it stopped I fell to the ground, clutching my forearm with my other hand.

By now Snape returned to the painting. He watched as I staggered to my feet. "You're being called." He said in his usual unemotional tone. What does that mean? I'm being called? Who's calling me? Is Voldemort back?

As all these questions circled my head I saw and owl enter the common room. I have no idea how they find their way in here because they never use the door. It dropped a letter at my feet before returning to where ever it came from.

I picked the letter up and opened it,

Dear Arrow,
                I assume you felt the affects from your mark. I would like to see you at the manor as soon as possible. No questions asked.
                - L. Malfoy

The letter is from my father. What could he possibly need me for?

I made a choice to listen to the letter and went to the front steps of the school. I paused a moment and stared at grounds in front of me. The image of the battle playing through my head.

In a cloud of black smoke I lifted from the steps and raced to the manor.

I landed at the front door and mother is already waiting for me. With a worried look she pulled me in for a hug and took me inside. We went to the meeting room and inside was a table full of death eaters.

My father sitting at the head of them all. I took a seat on the right hand side of my father, my mother sat beside me. Right across from me is Draco. I didn't look him in the eyes, I'm sure mother noticed this.

My father started to speak as to why we're all here. A particular phrase caught my attention. He said we're not done. What exactly does that mean?

"We can do so much more than worry about some teenager. I say we take control to the wizard world and even the muggle world. We're so much more powerful than anyone can ever imagine. You're the darkest witches and wizards the world has ever known. Time to show that to the world." I quietly gasped at my fathers words and for the first time I looked Draco in the eyes. He has the same worried look. "At my right hand side will be my two children and followed by them will be anyone who wants to join us."

The table started to cheer and everyone volunteered in joining my father. Everyone except Draco and I, like always, we weren't given a choice.

Father wanted to test our loyalty by sending us out to the muggle world and cause havoc among the cities. Of course though, he made Draco and I go together. I'm still angry with him, no matter how many times he tries to apologize.

I landed on the quiet street called privet drive. I don't know why but I feel like I've heard of it before. Which is odd because up until now I've never had anything to do with the muggle world. They're filthy idiots in my opinion, which is why this shouldn't be to difficult. Killing my own kind is where the problem lies.

Draco started walking up to me but I ignored him and pulled my wand out. The idea was to wait till it got dark out but I don't have enough patience to deal with Draco until then. I looked up an down the street to make sure no muggles are out.

"Incendio" I shouted and a tree caught fire. Draco did the same to a house. The fire spread quickly and soon the entire house was up in flames. We lit a few other trees on fire and I was about to do so to a house that had a big number 4 on it but muggles started running out of their houses in a frenzy.

A very fat man with a huge mustache came yelling out of number 4. An equally large boy and a thin woman came rushing out behind him. He immediately noticed us and started yelling for us. He also mentioned Potter a few times

"Damn freaks! All of you are no good! We're lucky we abandoned Harry before any damage could come to us sooner." The fat man started running as best he could towards us.

We took this as out to leave and lifted up in a cloud of black smoke. Everyone on Privet Drive saw us but it's only the beginning.

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