(3) End of Year 1

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I was impatiently waiting at platform 9 3/4. Draco is supposed to be coming home today. I came with my father while mother stayed home. We swiftly walked through the crowd of awaiting parents. They cleared the way not wanting to mess with Lucius Malfoy.

I saw the train from a distance and started to get excited. Draco didn't come home for the holidays which meant I haven't seen him for ten months. He wrote quite often but it wasn't the same. I must have been too excited as I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I stopped jumping and looked up at my father. He glared down at me with a disapproving look. I looked down at the pavement and stayed silent but it was short lived because when the train pulled into the station I started getting excited again.

My father didn't stop me this time seeing as it was no use. I watched as all the students climbed off the train and ran up to their families. I scanned the crowd and that's when I spotted him. It was easy to tell him apart with his platinum blonde hair, plus he pushed a kid out of the way.

"Draco!" I yelled and started running towards him.


I climbed off the train and immediately started looking for Arrow. I ran into a student which I recognized.

"Out of my way Mud-blood." I spat shoving him out of my way. I continued searching when I heard someone call out for me.

"Draco!" I heard, I know that voice anywhere. I turned to spot my sister running at me, full speed. Her curls bounced with each step. I started running towards her as well which ended up causing us to crash into each other.

I fell backwards with a hard thump and immediately started laughing. Arrow joined in on the laughter before bouncing back up. She helped me up and then pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back and tight as I could. I let go seeing she couldn't breath. She laughed and I saw father appear behind her.

He smiled at me and I hugged him. He was reluctant to hug back but did anyways. I went back to my sister and hugged her again. She laughed but gladly hugged me again.

"Looks like Malfoy's got a soft side."

I turned around to see the famous "golden trio" behind me. They think they're so special because they saved the school. I took a mental note to tell Arrow about that later. Hermione snickered at her comment.

My blood boiled at the thought of that Mud-blood disgracing me like she did. I went to turn to Arrow but she disappeared and instead I saw my father and he looked angry. I showed off my famous Malfoy smirk and turned to face the three. Ron gulped and looked afraid. I snickered at his reaction but Potter and Hermione looked confident. It was short lived when my father spoke up.

"Who are you three to disgrace my son. I will not have anyone speaking to him like that." My father glared at the three who seemed to shrink at his intense stare. My father was about to speak again but Weasleys father showed up.

"Is there a problem here?" He asked placing  his hands on his sons shoulders.

"Indeed there is." My father replied. "The girl insulted my son."

Hermione took this as her moment to speak up. "I have a name you know." She spat. Oh no, this wasn't going to end well.

Mr. Weasley looked scared and pushed Hermione behind him and I could hear Ron tell her to shut up. Smart boy, knows what's best for him. My father stayed silent and glared at the four.

"I apologize for her behavior Mr. Malfoy. I will talk her about it. Apologize to Draco." Mr. Weasley said with  shaky breaths. I could hear Granger refuse but Ron elbowed her in the ribs.

"Sorry." She quietly stuttered out. I chuckled at her foolishness. I waited for my father to say something but instead he walked away. I sent one last glare to the four before following after my father.


Was Hermione hoping for a death wish? She was completely foolish. When she spat at Draco's father I started to fear what was going to happen to her. I watched my father walk off with a sigh. He must be off to find my mother.

"Are you stupid." I quickly said to Hermione. She looked confused and proud at the same time. I sighed, she was hopeless.

"Was that Malfoy's father?" I heard Harry ask.

I turned around to face them. "No it was the mayor." I sarcastically replied. "Of course it was Malfoy's father". I snapped. "You must have a death wish with the way you talked to him." I aimed towards Hermione.

"I'm not afraid of him."she confidently replied.

"You should be." I said before leaving the group to find my family.


I spotted a shop that sold sweets and walked away from my father and brother. When I came back I couldn't see them where I left them but instead saw a group of three people. Two boys and a girl. I heard them mention Draco but I didn't listen in anymore. He must have bullied them or something during the school year.

I walked around the station a bit before I finally spotted my father amongst the crowd. I ran up to them and my father gave me a disapproving look once i rejoined them. I lightly chuckled and slowed down a bit to walk next to my brother. He put and arm around my shoulders and kept walking behind our father. I smiled. It's nice to have my best friend home again.

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