(47) Diagon Alley

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I walked the old streets of Diagon Ally with Monty walking with me at my feet. It's not a common occurrence anymore to stop and look at the dog sized dragon walking the streets.

I entered Flourish and Blotts to gather some books. Once I walked in many people quickly moved away. I sighed to myself and proceeded to a book shelf.

A little girl wanted to pet Monty but as soon as her mother saw me the girl was pulled away. I don't really understand how people know what I've done. All they should know is I'm a Malfoy. Nothing more, nothing less.

I decided I needed a break and walked to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. One again when I entered the shop children were pulled away. Monty knows this place inside and out so he ran off somewhere while I looked around.

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. "Hello, beautiful." I know that voice. I giggled a bit and looked up at George.

"You don't look so bad your self." I returned, he led me a bit away from the crowds to speak more.

"Are you alright? You look like you've had a rough day." He asked, taking my hand in his own.

"I haven't had the best day. Ever since I arrived people have been quickly moving to get away from me."

"It may be, now this is just a guess, but your mark is showing. People are just getting the wrong idea." He pointed to the dark mark on my arm. I hoped it would go away once Voldemort was killed but it never did.

"Well then, I picked the wrong day to wear something with shorter sleeves." I tried to joke but it ultimately failed. George held a finger up and then disappeared into the back of the shop.

I stood around looking at the few things around me. Eventually Monty came back to me. He sat at my feet as I waited for George to come back.

"This should work." He handed me a red jumper that's a bit too big for me. I smiled at him before kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you." I replied, putting the jumper on. He bowed which made me giggle. I waved goodbye and walked out of the shop. The good thing is now not as many people are pulling away.

I finished gathering all my supplies and walked out onto the streets. I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Hermione?" I asked, trying to regain my balance. She waved a bit while gathering her dropped supplies. "So, I'm assuming you're returning to Hogwarts as well?"

"As a matter of fact, I am. You are too I presume?" I nodded at her question. "Have you finished your shopping?"

"I just finished." I find it a bit weird that she's actually talking to me now. I thought she hates me.

"I just started so I must get going. I'll see you in a few weeks." She waved goodbye and walked off.

I stood dumbfounded for a few moments but that was short lived. Azkaban officials showed up in the Ally. I ran inside the first shop I saw and tried to hide in the shop.

Ever since Voldemort died they've been rounding up all the death eaters to take them to Azkaban.

They don't want anything happening again so they've been hunting us down. They're search hasn't been hard since all of us still had our marks.

My family and I have managed to avoid being taken. Which means father has been staying at the manor a lot more often than he used to.

They would recognize him immediately and father does not want to go back to Azkaban.

The official walked into the shop and I hid deeper into the shop. He almost reached to where I'm at but someone started shouting and he ran outside.

I crept out of the shop and hid a safe distance away but I still watched what the officials were doing. They found a death eater. They pulled up her sleeve and showed the mark to the crowd.

Everyone gasped and started backing away. I had to move with the crowd in order not to be seen. I glanced back at the woman as they tied her hands up and apparated to, I'm assuming, Azkaban with the woman pleading for her release.

I walked Monty to a more open part of the Ally and commanded for him to reach his full size. He just barely fit in the open space and held his wing down for me to climb on. I threw my things onto his back and climbed on the night sky dragon. He started to fly away from the Ally and back to the manor.

When he landed I saw Draco waiting for me. He's wearing casual clothes which you'd never see him in before the recent events. I threw him his books which I purchased for him in the Ally. He caught them swiftly while I slid off Montys back.

He changed back into his dog sized from and followed us into the house. Orion came scampering up when I opened the door. He and Monty ran off somewhere into the manor.

Draco and I let them run free much more now. They haven't been changed into their jewelry forms since the battle of Hogwarts ended. I think they prefer it that way.

"Are you ready to go back?" I asked, breaking the silence as we walked up to our rooms.

"No but I'm going to go anyways." He replied. I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes.

Time for a new adventure.

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