(13) What do we do now?

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For some reason Draco's bed is far more comfortable than mine and I find that unfair.

We sat in silence for a while before Draco finally spoke up.

"I know we just got home but what do you think Hogwarts will be like next year?" He asked while laying down on the floor next to the bed.

"I don't know, maybe the trio will save the school again." I laughed. Draco joined in on my laughter but I could hear in his voice that he's thinking about something. "What's wrong?" I asked once the laughter was died down.


"What's wrong?"


I snapped out of my thoughts to hear my sister speaking to me.

"Yes?" I replied

"There's something bothering you. I can tell." She replied. She's not wrong. Something is bothering me.

"I'm fine." I replied but based off her gaze she doesn't believe me. That's the downside of having a twin. They know almost everything about you. She can even tell when I'm lying when our parents don't. It's wierd. There's no going around this one so I might as well talk. "When Potter and the others saved the school first year father was angry and when he saw me he would tell me I could have done something to stop them. Well, he saved Hogwarts again so now father is going to blame me for him succeeding. He won't blame you because your his favorite."

"Draco, for one parents don't have favorites. I think there's a rule of something against that. Second, I tell him to blame me too. After all I was in the chamber and I could have stopped Potter instead of standing around." She replied, she's trying to make me feel better. It worked but not all the way. I'm still worried. "Let's go outside"

I watched as Arrow walked into her room through our connecting door. She slipped on her shoes and ushered for me to follow her. I laughed a bit as I got up and followed her outside but just as we reached the door father stopped us. I sighed, here it comes.

"I would like to speak to both of you." I said leading us to the living room. It surprised me that he wanted to speak to us both. Usually it was just me. I sat down next to Arrow on the couch as our father sat in the arm chair across from us. "You both know of the events that happened just recently." I was right here it comes.

"Yes." Arrow and I said at the same time.

"Draco, I'm not mad at you." My father said. He must have seen the look on my face. "You need to work on your look to seem more confident when someone is speaking to you."

I straightened up and relaxed a bit. Good, he's not mad at me but why does he need to speak to us?

"Father? Is there something you would like to speak to us about?" Arrow asked after a few moments of no talking between the three of us.

"Right yes. For your third year at Hogwarts leave the Potter boy alone, don't try to stop him in his quests. We have a plan for the boy. Just stay your usually selves and don't forget to uphold the family name."

Draco and I nodded as he dismissed us to get back to what we originally planned on doing. I thought about what he said. They had a plan for Potter, what's that supposed to mean? He

Whatever it is it can't be good. Maybe they'll finally get rid of him. How much of a relief that would be for the school. We won't be excepted to be as good at Potter.

My father may have told me to leave him alone but once summer is over Potter won't even know what hit him.

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