(65) I missed you

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I started to get annoyed when Hermione wouldn't stop poking me to get my attention. "What do you want, Hermione?" I snapped after having enough of her constant annoying behaviors.

"You oblivious idiot. Look." She pointed to the entry way of the room and I scrambled from my feet and attacked my twin sister in a hug, I almost caused the two of us to fall to the ground.

I held tightly onto Arrow as I felt her tears hitting the back of my shirt. She's a lot more emotional than I remember. As I pulled away I noticed the huge smile on her tear stained cheeks.

Not long behind her was George. I've gotten the chance to talk with him a lot while we were both waiting for Arrow to wake up. He's a really good guy for my sister.


George wrapped his arms around me from behind and pulled me closer to him. I looked back up at Draco he's still smiling. Hopefully it won't turn into a frown when we tell him the news.

"Draco, there's something we have to tell you." He started to look concerned and even worried. I took a deep breath to try and relax my nerves.

I held out my hand for him to see the ring. His mouth fell open and he didn't say anything.

It took Draco a few minutes to come back to the real world. When he did the smile on his face only grew. He pulled me into a hug being a lot more exited this time.

"I'm so happy for you." He whispered in my ear.


The following months have been increasingly difficult. I still haven't gained the amount of weight that I'm supposed to which has given me a lot less energy.

Hermione and Ron found a home for themselves in a muggle neighborhood not far from where Harry used to live. Luna and Ginny bought a house not far from them.

Draco and Harry moved into the manor after we sent a letter to mother. She said she's been away for some time and feels horrible about leaving us with our father. She moved from the manor into a small country home not far from where Arthur and Molly live now.

Which leads to George and I, we moved into the burrow and fixed it up a bit. Molly's been here everyday to help me out with that while George is at work.

"Dear, let me help you with that." Molly took my place of trying to reach a pot from the bottom shelf in the kitchen. She loves to help me at any chance she gets.

I thanked her and set it on the stove to boil some water for tea. I broke the teapot last week after I dropped it from lack of strength. I was embarrassed that I wasn't able to pick up teapot.

I watched out the kitchen window at the swaying grass. I started to imagine our little family out there one day.

"I'm home!" My heart swelled at the voice that filled the home. I walked as quickly as I could to the door to great George. He's holding a brown paper bag filled with something. It's most likely work that he had to bring home. "Hello, love." He kissed me while setting the bag onto the table.

When we pulled apart Molly said goodbye to the both of us before going home for the night. I've been cleaning all day with the help of Molly so as soon as George got home I collapsed onto a dinning room chair.

"I told you to relax. There's no need to work hard." George softly said at the sight of my exhaustion. I smiled tiredly as he handed me the bag. I peaked inside of it and saw some decorations for our house.

I gave him a look and he just smiled. "I know how much you've been wanting to make this place feel more like our home."

I set the bag down and hugged him again. I never thought I would end up here.

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