(26) Professor Moody

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"Your attention please!" Dumbledore called out which hushed the Great Hall. "I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who winds the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the Ministry had seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch." Once Dumbledore announced the speaker lightning flashes lighting up the great hall. Everyone screamed, I don't find it that scary though. It's just a little lightning but a flash of magic shot up into the air stopping the lighting. A disturbing looking man was the one who stopped it. He walked out of his hiding spot. Even some of the professors seemed surprised to see him. I have a feeling he is the man I'm supposed to be watching.

Dumbledore greeted him though like he knew he was coming. He took a swig from a odd looking flask like he had something to hide.

"After due consideration the Ministry had concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final." Everyone started booing and yelling at Mr. Crouch but he looks like he expected it.


Everyone immediately hushed after Professor Dumbledore's outburst. He uncovered the Goblet of Fire and everyone awed as the goblet lit. "The Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment the Triwizard Tournament has begun."

We are dismissed and I quickly made may way towards our class for the night, Defense against the dark arts, and like every year there's a new teacher. I walked into the classroom and sat next to Draco. The strange man from the great hall is teaching this class.

"Alastor Moody. Ex-auror, ministry malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end." This is indeed the man my father asked me to watch but I am unsure why. He never told me, you would think that's important. "Any questions?" The class stayed silent. "When it comes to the Dark Arts I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Granger spoke "Three, sir."

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will..."

She didn't get the chance to answer as he finished for her "Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct. The ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared. You need to find another place to put your chewing gum beside the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!"

We all looked back to him. "No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head." he said quietly but it did no use. Professor Moody turned around and threw the chalk at Finnigan.

"And hear across classrooms! So which curse shall we see first? Weasley!" Moody yelled which startled him. He commanded for Weasley stand and with no hesitation he did. "Give us a curse."

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The imperius curse." he said quietly. His voice filled with fear.

"Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry quite a but if grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." Moody walked to the front of the classroom once more He pulled out a spider and had it enlarged a bit. The spider hopped on the desk in the front row and then onto Crabbes head.

Everyone was laughing as the spider jumped from student to student around the room. Next it landed on Ron and he started whimpering. Draco was laughing but then the spider jumped onto his face. he started screaming as I burst into a fit of laughter but then things got serious. Moody held the spider over a bucket of water before bringing her back to him.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-know-who's biding under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars?  Another, another. Up, up. Come on. Longbottom is it? Up." Neville shakily stood up. "Professor sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology."

Longbottom nodded. "There's the cruciatus curse."

"correct, correct, come, come. Particularly nasty." Longbottom joined Moody at the front of the room.

Only a select amount of people know about the relation between Neville and the Cruciatus curse. I'm beginning to think Professor Moody isn't who he says he is.

"The torture curse. Crucio!" The spider started to go insane. She struggled as Longbottom was forced to watch. I can see the pain in his eyes. The memory of what happened to his parents must be haunting him at this very moment and to think my aunt was the one who caused that pain.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!" Granger must have had enough of Neville's and the spider's pain.

Moody quickly stopped but the memory must still be flashing in his mind. He stood in the front frozen, not moving or speaking. Moody picked the spider up and ignored longbottom. He set it down in front of Hermione.

"Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger?" She didn't say a word and instead shook her head with tears in her eyes.

"The Killing curse." I quickly answered when Hermione didn't causing Professor Moody to look towards me.

"Ah, you must be Miss Malfoy. I'm sure you know quite a bit about these curses. Tell me about the final curse." He said which caused all eyes to land on me.

"It's the worst curse of them all. It kills anyone instantly. It's the same curse that killed Potter's parents. Only one person is known to have survived the curse." Everyone quietly gasped and Potter stared at me. I can tell his mind is racing with questions.

"Avada Kedavra!" Moody yelled causing all the attention to leave me and focus on the spider that dropped dead instantly just like I said. Granger refused to look at the spider. "Miss Malfoy is right, only one person is known to have survived it and he's sitting in this room."

Moody walked up to Potter and they stared at each other before Moody took another drink from his flask. The class was then dismissed. We all went in our separate ways.

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