(18) "It killed meh!"

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Bored out of my mind, I walked with Draco and the other students to our next class. It's Hagrid's first lesson as the new teacher. I wonder how this is going to go? Guy can't even go a few minutes without messing something up. The only people who will actually enjoy this class is the trio and that's because Hagrid favors them over all the other students. What's so special about them anyways? I can do anything they can. Just because they saved the school doesn't mean they deserve special treatment.

We all gathered into a a group while Hagrid spoke but I really just drowned him out. I'm betting I know more about magical creatures than he does. Seriously how does he qualify to be a teacher. Draco elbowed my side signaling that it was time to move. He also took my books despite my protest for him not to.

Hagrid led us into the forest saying he had something special planned.

"Right you lot, less chattering form a group over there. Now open your books to page 49." He instructed before walking off somewhere after.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked sounding more like a demand.

"Just stroke the spine of course." Hagrid responded sounding like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Draco and I did what Hagrid told us and I'm honestly still confused. I think Draco is too. Longbottom although just opened the book and it started attacking him. I'm not surprised, a bag of rocks is smarter than him.

"Oh yeah, it's terribly funny. Really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbldore's got this oaf teaching classes." I heard Draco speak harshly. I don't know exactly how that came on but I agree with him.

"Shut up Malfoy." Potter said with a sudden boost a confidence. He started walking towards us.

Draco chuckled as we all made noises towards Potters new found confidence.

"Why should he shut up if it's true, Potter." I interjected harshly. Draco smirked at me before turning his attention back to Potter. He handed his bag, and my bag, to Crabbe who almost dropped it at the weight.

By now a group formed around us as Draco strolled up to Potter. I noticed he bit his bottom lip while looking Potter up and down. My brother is so weird and extra. Suddenly Draco looked scared. He started quietly muttering and backing up with a few stumbles.

"Dementors! Dementors!" He yelled sounding scared. Everyone quickly turned around with terrified reactions while the Slytherins of the group laughed. We put on the hoods of our robes and stretched our arms out while wiggling our fingers. We started making "scary ghost noises" making fun of Potter. Granger pulled Harry away while giving us a look of disgust which just caused us to laugh more.

I heard Hagrid trying to get our attention. Emphasis on trying. Some students were still giggling and talking amongst themselves. He called out in a really weird way and motioned to a...a Hippogryph.

"Say hello to Buckbeak." He tossed a dead ferret to the hippogryph and it ate it up instantly.

"Exactly what is that?" Weasley questioned sounding scared.

Before Hagrid got the chance to answer I answered for him. "It's a glorified chicken." I snickered after answering and Hagrid sent me a disappointed look. Draco however gave me a high five while snickering as well.

"What i was going to say is, it's a hippogryph. First thing you want to know about hippogryph is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult the hippogryph. It may just be the last thing you ever do." Huh, that sounds like my brother. They should get along just fine. "Now who'd like to come and say hello."

We all quickly took a step back except Potter who had no idea what was even going on.

"Well done Harry, well done." Harry frantically looked behind him to see we all backed up. Weasley pushed him forward which made me quietly laugh.

"Now you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite. So step up and give him a nice bow then you wait and see if he bows back and if he does you can go and touch him. If not, well, we'll get to that later."

We all watched as Potter slowly approached Buckbeak. He bowed slowly as the hippogryph started to freak out even Hagrid looked nervous but eventually it bowed to Harry. He threw Buckbeak a ferret and then ushered Potter to pet the creature. I hope the hippogryph has second thoughts and attacks Potter. He'll be doing us all a favor.

Draco apparently wanted to get a better looked and shoved everyone out of the way till he was at the front of the group. I did the same, standing next to him. He took a bite from an apple that I have no idea where it came from. I felt more people being shoved out of the way as the other Slytherins joined us at the front of the group.

Potter slowly walked up to Buckbeak as Hagrid continued instructing him on what to do. Finally he reached the creature and pet him. Almost everyone started clapping. I was a bit impressed but honestly anyone can do that. Potter isn't that special.

I started laughing as Hagrid picked Harry up and put him on the hippogryphs back. Potter tried protesting but it didn't do much. Hagrid smacked the beasts behind and ran until it shot up into the air. We watched as it lifted Harry and itself into the air and fly away. Well that's the last we'll see of Potter and thank goodness for that.

Draco started talking to me about something but I drowned him out as I saw Buckbeak and Potter appear in our sight once again. He's back...yay. Everyone started saying "well done Harry" like he's the only one who can ride a hippogryph.

I can feel my brothers anger emitting beside me. He pushed pass two students and strutted up to the hippogryph. This is going to end well.

"Yes you're not dangerous at all are you." Draco said continuing to walk towards Buckbeak in a fast pace despite Hagrids warnings.

Buckbeak started to freak out and Draco tried to shield his face with his arm. The bloody creature scratched him arm with those sharp talons and Draco fell to the ground.

He started groaning in pain as I made a run towards him. Buckbeak continued to freak out as everyone screamed in fear. Hagrid attempted to calm him down as I got to Draco. His arm was scratched badly. Buckbeak ran off and my attention was turned back onto my brother.

"Oh, It's killed meh. It's killed meh." Draco started whining in a high pitched whines and moans.

"Calm down it's just a scratch." Hagrid tried reasoning.

"Just a bloody scratch." I snapped getting more annoyed with Hagrid by the minute

"Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital." Granger instructed. She's one of the few bloody idiots around here with any common sense.

"I'm the teacher. I'll do it." Hagrid said as he picked up my brother. Draco was continuing with his high pitched moans and whining.

"Oh you're gonna regret this. You and your bloody chicken." Draco said in between his whines. I trailed behind the two closely and Hagrid dismissed the class.

I followed the two all the way to the hospital wing and Madame Pomfrey came rushing to Draco's side after he was laid down onto a bed.

The nurse removed his robes and his shirt. She cleaned his arm and then wrapped it. She put a sling on his for his arm and then dismissed us.

"You're no fit to be a teacher Hagrid! Once my father hears about this it's going to be the end for you and your chicken." I snapped at Hagrid before helping my twin brother to his dorm.

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