(11) Tom Riddle

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The trio and I "resolved our issues" and now we're back to them believing I actually like them and I'm not a Malfoy. They've been sneaking off a lot lately, not wanting me to get involved but I don't mind. It gives me a chance to get away from them.

I heard that Granger has been petrified. Draco and I cheered at the news. We all sat around the common room, minding our own business when Professor Snape entered, holding a list.

"Attention Students." We all stopped speaking with each other. "Due to recent events, there have been new rules set in place. All students will return to their house common rooms by 6 o' clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions." He walked out leaving us all with questions.

Why do we have to follow the rules? We're pure bloods we won't even be attacked.


I was busy minding my own business when Potter and Weasley started looking for me.

"We need your help to save Ginny." Potter pleaded. I heard she got taken into the chamber but why should I help them. I could die. Weasley's pleading face on the other hand was just enough to convince me to help.

"Fine." I muttered. "But I might be in the way. I mean my arm is useless at the moment."

We ran off to Lockhart's office as quickly and quietly as we could. If any of the teachers see us we're in trouble.

"Lockhart may be useless but he's going to try and get into the chamber. We need to tell him what we know."  We ran into his office to see him packing his things. "Professor! We have some information for you. Are you going somewhere?" Harry asked after noticing that he's in a hurry. Lockhart stuttered over his answer. I knew this guy has no guts.

"What about my sister?" Weasley demanded.

"Well, after that most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I."

"You're the defense against the dark arts teacher." I added in.

"You can't go now." Weasley finished.

Lockhart stumbled over his words more. "You're running away?" Potter stood in front of him. "After all that stuff you did in your books?"

"Books, can be misleading." He argued.

"You wrote them." Potter retorted.

"Use your common sense. My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I've done all those things."

"Called it." I laughed but none of them were amused.

"You're a fraud." Potter stated. "You've been taking credit for what other wizards have done."

"Is there anything you can do?" Wesley mocked.

"Yes, now that you mention it. I'm rather gifted with memory charms. Otherwise you see all those wizards would have gone blabbing and I never would have sold another book. In fact...I'm a...going to have to do the same to you." He pulled out his wand but the three is us were already one step ahead and held our wands out.

"Don't even think about it." Potter commanded. He dropped his wand and came with us three.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked while keeping an eye on Lockhart.

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