(64) Home

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3rd Person

George rushed into the front door of the Weasley home. Molly and him rushed up the stairs with Arrow laying limply in his arms. Draco hesitantly stepped in the home after them. He was uncomfortable being in the small home.

Draco wandered into the family room and almost burst into tears at the person inhabiting the armchair.

Hermione tapped him on the arm, he looked up from his book and eyes grew wide. Harry sprang up from the chairs and crashed into Draco with a hug. The two hung onto each other tightly. Fearing that the other one could disappear again.

Draco pulled away and stared into the emerald eyes of the boy he's grown to love. He'll never admit it but he almost forgot what they looked like.

Hermione was the next one to get up. She hugged Draco but not as long as Harry did. In truth she did miss him but she missed the girl upstairs even more. Luna and Ginny followed with happy smiles.

Ron gave Draco and awkward hug because he felt like it was needed but of course deep down he did miss the blonde haired lad.


Arrow has been asleep for 3 days.

Molly took care of her day and night. She hasn't let anybody go into the spare room. Not even George or Draco. After 5 months or trying they were able to convince the ministry that the Malfoy twins didn't deserve to be locked up there. Thankfully the ministry allowed them to be set free.

Unlike Arrow, Draco wasn't in terrible shape. He actually ate the food given and slept every night. She was a bag of bones at this point, severely malnourished.

To say he's worried about his sister is an understatement. Molly won't let anyone in the room because of the horrible state she's in.

Arrow slept for 3 more days and on the early morning of the 7th, she woke up to Molly sitting beside her knitting a sweater.


My head is pounding and everything hurts. I groaned while trying to sit up but Molly was at my side in seconds and gently pushed me back into the bed.

"Darling, you need to save all your energy. You are not to leave this bed for a few more days until you've gotten enough food in your body." She smiled widely and hugged me carefully.

A little while later Molly came back in with George in tow. I asked about Draco but according to her they all went to bed early. I don't want her to wake him up. I bet he's had a hard time as well.

I scooted over to make room for George in the bed and Molly left to give up some privacy. He leaned up against the headboard and I leaned up against him.

He put an arm around my shoulders and help my hand with his other hand. We sat in a comfortable silence until I found enough courage to say something.

"Before you speak." He held brought his lips to my own and kissed me like it's been years since we last saw each other. When he pulled away for air I couldn't stop blushing.

"Consider that a late birthday present. It's not everyday you turn 20." I stared at his confused for a moment until it started to make sense. I was locked up over Draco and I's birthday. I'll get Draco something later.

"Now it's my turn." I took a deep breath and stared into his captivating brown eyes. "I love you, George. Not a day went by that I didn't think of you. When I was unconscious for that time, I was here. I...saw the ring." I almost whispered it but there's still a happy smile on my face. He stared at me, dumbfounded, until his face lit up. I sighed out in relief that he's happy. "You're not mad are you?"

He tucked his hand into the pocket and took out a small black box. "I'm happy, more than happy. I love you so much, Arrow." My eyes widened a bit. We've never said that to each other before. Sure I said it a few seconds ago but I wasn't expecting it back.

He opened the box to reveal a simple silver band with small dimonds embedded around it. He slipped it onto my finger and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too, George." I smiled and then my worry started to settle in.

"What's wrong, love? I can tell when your worrying."

"What if no one else approves? I don't have the best track record."

George shifted so we're both laying down in the bed now. "It'll all be okay, I promise."

Not long after I was in a deep sleep.


The next morning I awoke to a protective hold around me. I tried shifting around a bit in the bed but George pulled me in closer to him. I looked at the clock on the wall, it's nearly 9 am. I am certainly not one to sleep in late, no matter the day.

I pried George off of me and walked into the bathroom down the hall. I studied myself in the mirror a bit. The usual scars but this time more bruises and new scars accompanied them, I miss my perfectly clear skin, to my luck there's only one barely visible scar on my face.

I left the room and went to see if Draco is awake yet. I haven't even seen him for 5 months, even if we were in the same places.

As I carefully made my way down the winding stairs I could already hear laughter coming from the family room. I crept in and saw Draco on the couch with his arm around Harry.

He has a huge smile on his face.

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