(8) The Dream and The Game

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I was standing in the wreckage of Hogwarts. Bodies were everywhere. Blood was splattered across the battle field. I couldn't tell who any of them were. I looked up to see Voldemort laughing as Hagrid walked up with a limp body in his arms.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort called out with a cackle.

My breath hitched. I saw death eaters appear behind Voldemort. Front and center were my mom and dad. They looked beaten and tired. I took my gaze away from my parents and noticed I was surrounded on the steps. Many Hogwarts students were standing beside me.

Draco stood beside me...but...he was different. He was taller, older, and thinner, his platinum blonde hair was dirty and it wasn't overloaded with hair gel. He looked defeated. Everyone had tears on their eye, even Draco.


I turned to see our mother calling Draco over to them. He didn't respond or move as everyone turned to look at him. More tears slowly started to appear in his eyes.

"Arrow...talk to your brother."

I turned to face my mother again. She was ushering the two of us to join them. Voldemort looked impatient.

"Very well then." He said and pointed his wand at Draco. I didn't have anytime to react as my twin brother was shot at. He fell to the ground with a thud. Blood started piling around his head. I dropped to ground next to him and pulled him into my lap the best I could. He smiled at me before closing his eyes the final time.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face. My eyes frantically scanned the room. I was in my dorm at Hogwarts. I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest and let out quiet sobs. It was all too real.

"Arrow? Are you okay?"

I can hear Pansy talking to me but all I could mutter over and over was "Draco is gone." I heard the door swing open and a few moments later , Draco's worried voice filled the room. I looked up to make sure he really is there.

He's still in his green flannel pjs and plain black shirt. I jumped up from the bed and threw myself into his arms. He hugged me tightly before walking me to the common room. He sat me down on the black leather couch before sitting down next to me.

"What happened?" He asked me. I can hear the amount of worry in his voice. Tears were still rolling down my face. Draco is one of the few people I will let myself cry in front of. I started shaking a bit before I felt his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him and he gently smiled at me. His eyes may look grey and cold but I can always see right past them.

I took a deep breath and started talking. "I had a nightmare but it felt too real." He studied my face for a moment before speaking. "What was it about?"

"You, us, everyone. Hogwarts was destroyed, there were bodies every where and Voldemort was standing right in the middle of it. It was like a battle field. The death eaters were on one side." I paused for a moment, he gave me a look and I nodded. "The students of Hogwarts were on the other side. You and I were with the students but we were older, my guess is 17. Our parents wanted you to join them but you stayed. That was until Voldemort blasted you and you fell to the ground. You...y-you died in my arms." I cried out the last part. He didn't say anything but instead pulled me in for a hug.

There was one small detail I left out though. Something I can't tell Draco, something he can't know and something that will hopefully never happen. In the dream on his right arm, was the dark mark.


Today is our first game and I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited. I haven't been able to stop talking about it all morning. I think Draco is annoyed with me by now but that's the whole point of siblings. One is bound to annoy the other.

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