(56) Christmas

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"Guys! Look at the paper!" I was sitting with Hermione for a change when Finnigan came bottling in waving around a newspaper. Ron, who was busy glaring at me, jumped from his seat as Finnigan practically slammed the paper onto the table.

"Bloody hell!" He shouted rather loudly. "Azkaban has been broken into again." My blood ran cold. That wasn't supposed to happen for another few days. I sent Draco a knowing look and he sent a worried one back.

Once I turned back to the Gryffindor's, Ron was glaring at me again. "I bet she knows something about this." He angrily snapped at me. He's not wrong though. I did know, just didn't think it would be so soon.

"Leave her alone, Ron. She didn't do anything." Hermione demanded. I don't know why but that hurt a little. I've become such good friends with Hermione and I don't deserve her defending me like that. Especially when I could have easily told someone what was going to happen.

I silently got up and left. I can't do this anymore. In the following months since the year started I've been having an internal battle with myself. A fight between good and bad.

I've been leaning towards bad because that's the easy thing. It's so easy to break the rules and cause trouble were ever  you are. I've been pretending every thing was okay and nothing is.

When I snapped out of my thoughts I found myself in the astronomy tower. This place is laced with both good memories and bad. This is the place where I had my first real connection with George. It's also the place where Draco and I killed our former headmaster out of fear.

I took a seat on the edge of the balcony, my legs were hanging over the edge. I can see a few of the students below. They all look so happy. I wish I could say the same


It's now the holiday season. The castle has been decorated as its always been and students are heading home for Christmas.

Draco and I are staying here and Hermione invited us to spend Christmas with her and the trio. I hesitantly sent a letter to George, asking if he'd like to join us. I received a letter back saying he'd be here Christmas Eve morning after he closes the shop for the holidays.

Come Christmas Eve morning I waited impatiently on the front steps. It's freezing outside but I can't wait to see George. I've been a nervous wreak all day yesterday. Worrying about my father ruining everything.

I jumped when I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist. I turned around in the hold and was met face to face with George. A huge smile formed on my face and I hugged him tightly.

"Miss me?" He laughed a bit and pulled me in closer if that was possible.

"So much." I mumbled into the hug. I miss being in his protective hold. Me being a whole 5 inches shorter than he is, I always feel safe in his arms. I forget everything going wrong in my life and focus on George.

When I pulled away George cupped my cheeks and pulled me back in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved his back down to my waist. We stayed like that until i needed to break for air.

I smiled and took his hand. Everyone but Draco is already in the Gryffindor common room. Draco wanted to wait for me until he joined the others. Hermione told me the password before hand so I had no trouble getting in.

Once I entered with George Ron glared at me before hugging his brother. Ginny joined in on the hug as well. A few minutes later Draco came in. Ron looked even more upset. Like I said before, he hates us.

"What are you two doing here?" Ron questioned, rather annoyed.

"We invited them, Ron. None of us have a problem with it but you." Hermione snapped back. I smiled at her before sitting on the ground with George.

We both leaned against the couch on the floor, Hermione and Ron sat on the same couch, Ginny sat in the armchair with Luna, and Harry sat on the other couch. Draco stood awkwardly in the doorway. Harry motioned for Draco to sit down with her. Draco was hesitant but eventually did so while Ron glared at him.

We made conversation for a while. I laid my head down in George's lap and he started playing with my hair.

"Hey, Arrow. I've been looking everywhere for you. I was wondering when your next transfigurations class is. I've been planning a go..." Fred came in and started saying but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw George. I smiled and sat up giving George a chance to stand up. He scrambled to his feet and rushed to Fred.

After the twins little reunion, Fred joined the group. He sat by the tree while everyone else took their spots from before.


Hours passed and soon it was 12 am, Christmas morning. I didn't realize we all stayed up so late. No use in going to sleep now. Everyone was half asleep or fully asleep.

Luna is asleep on Ginny's lap as she runs her fingers through Luna's hair. Hermione is leaning up against Ron as he put his arm around her. They both look like they can fall asleep any minute.

Harry and Draco are on opposite ends of the couch but they're quietly talking about something. As for George and I, I rested my head on his lap once more. He's softly humming while running his fingers through my hair. I'm going to fall asleep any minute now.

I opened my eyes to Ron and Hermione softly arguing. They're the only ones awake beside myself. I sat up and quickly figured out why Ron was annoyed. In the night Harry must have moved over to Draco. They're both in a deep sleep and Harry is leaning against Draco, who has an arm pulling him close.

That ended quickly though, we heard a loud clatter and everyone jumped awake. I started looking for the source of the noise and found that, in her sleep, Luna kicked a plate off the side table next to the armchair. She apologized for waking us all up.

"Since we're all awake. Let's open some gifts." Hermione happily said moving away from Ron and to the tree.

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