(14) Diagon Ally

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Its officially the start of year 3. Well...not quite yet. Hogwarts starts in 3 weeks but we received our invitations yesterday. Right now Draco and I are headed to Diagon Ally on our own. I told him he didn't need to come but my arm is still in a cast so he insisted.

I noticed a bunch of Hogwarts girls staring at Draco. I just rolled my eyes while my brother just soaked up all the attention.

We walked into Flourish and Blotts to purchase a few school books. For once I was being the repsonsible one while Draco flirted with a bunch of girls. I purchased his books as well and placed them into my bag. I started getting annoyed at my twin brother and grabbed him by the back of the shirt to drag him out of the shop.

"Cut it out!" He yelped. He wasn't happy being dragged away from all that attention. Draco may be almost a head taller than me but I still have the upper hand.

He grew quite a bit over the summer. He is 5'6" now while I'm only 5'4" and he never lets me forget he's taller. He thinks it's some kind of accomplishment after being the same height our whole lives.

I let go of Draco and shoved him a little to show that I'm annoyed with him. "We're supposed to be buying supplies not messing around." I told him with a serious voice. He looked at me with a confused look.

"Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" He asked with a bit of a laugh. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Since when do you say no to messing around?"

"Since it seems like every girl here is trying to flirt with you while we are trying to get things done." I replied getting more annoyed by the minute.

"You're just jealous that I'm getting all this attention and you're getting none." He said proudly. I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. He started whining that it hurt, he's so over dramatic.


I was busy shopping in Diagon Ally when I spotted Arrow, only she's accompanied by Malfoy. She's currently dragging him out of Flourish and Blotts. I find it a bit odd that they're together outside of school and I've never seen her act that way around him.

I stayed clear of them but soon bumped into Harry and Ron. "Harry! Ron! It's so good to see you." I hugged them both as we all started laughing.

"Did you see Malfoy and Arrow came here together?" Ron was quick ask to ask.

"I find it strange after Arrow telling us how badly they treat her." I added in. Not only did she tell us they tested her badly but we also saw it last year. They would purposely bump into her in the halls, tease her, make fun of her, and all sorts of other rude things.

"Maybe they bumped into each other while they were here and decided to do their shopping together." Harry suggested. That may be it but it's still weird.


"Let's go" I heard Draco grumble which snapped me out of my thoughts.  I sighed and followed my grumbling brother into the robes shop. Most of my robes still fit but Draco has to get taller ones.

The small bell on the door of the shop rung when the door was opened. Curious as to who walked in I glanced at the door while fumbling with the ring on my finger. It matches my snake bracelet.

"Oh great, Malfoy is here." I heard someone mutter. I heard that phrase quite often but I recognize that voice. From where? I stood on my toes and looked over the rack to see the Weasleys. Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. I don't mind Fred and George. In fact I get along with them pretty well.

They are the only Gryffindors I'm friends with...or tolerate for that matter. Draco tolerates them as well and he doesn't seem to mind me hanging around them. I think if Fred and George weren't twins as well Draco wouldn't want me around them.

"Shut up Ron." I heard one of the Weasley twins say. I smiled a bit to myself as I continued to look through the clothing rack. I was about to pull a robe off the rack when I felt a two arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. I was about to attack this mystery person when I heard Fred's familiar laugh.

"I know it's you two." I said with a bit of a laugh as well. Fred set me back down and I turned to see him and George behind me. Their hair has gotten a bit longer. They both look good. This summer definitely treated them well if I do say so but I don't like that they got taller. It seems like everyone has gotten taller and so now I'll be the short one.

"How's your summer been?" They both asked at the same time. I giggled a bit because it's amusing to see them do that.

"It's been good, what about yours?" I replied continuing what I was doing before they came up to me.

"It was great!" Fred started, "Yeah, our dad took us to a muggle town. It was so cool." George finished. I sighed a bit, they really shouldn't be doing that. I don't know why the Weasleys are so interested in muggles. They are dumb and disorganized and filthy. I wouldn't be caught dead with a muggle. I'd rather die than spend time with one. "See you at Hogwarts Arrow" Fred and George said which snapped me out of my thoughts. I smiled and hugged them goodbye and watched them walk off with the rest of their family.

"Ready to go?"  A voice behind me asked. I turned to see Draco standing behind me with the items he purchased. I nodded and followed him out of the store, stealing a silver ring with an emerald on the way out. Draco must have seen it because he snickered a bit. We walked out of the store.

We used floo powder to travel back to the manor and awaited my seemingly impatient father when we arrived back at home.

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