(27) Goblet of Fire

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I watched as everyone put their names in the goblet. Draco is off doing who knows what so I decided to stay here and it's raining pretty heavily outside. Fred and George came running in cheering as everyone clapped for them.

"Well, lads, we've done it." "Cooked it up this morning." They said showing everyone a vile of liquid. It's an aging potion. Those two came and hunted me down this morning asking for me to help them make it since they know potions is my best class.

"It's not going to work." Granger sang.

"Oh, yeah?" "And why is that, Granger?" They asked from either side of her.

"You see this?" She pointed to the yellow circle around the goblet. "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred asked.

"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion."

"But that's why it's so brilliant." "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted" They've got a point there. "Besides, Arrow helped is make it." "So of course it's going to work." They smiled towards me and I smiled back.

"You're going to trust her?" Weasley interjected but Fred and George just ignored him. I wouldn't do anything to the Weasley twins but I would gladly to any of the other Weasleys.

"Ready, Fred?" "Ready, George." they shook the bottles. "Bottoms up" They said at at the same time and then drank it.

The two of them jumped in the circle and nothing happened. We all cheered for the twins and they out their names in. It didn't work for long though because the goblet rejected them and sent them flying back out of the circle.

They started fighting while everyone chanted for them. We all silenced as Viktor Krum placed his name in the goblet.


I met back up with my brother and told him about what happened with Fred and George.

"What idiots those two are." He commented once I finished telling him the story.

"Hey, your sometimes just as dumb." I said while nudging him with my elbow.

"Not that dumb." He argued.

It's now time for them to select the participants of the tournament. The fire turned pink as a piece of parchment flew out.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum" I'm not surprised, we all clapped for him as he made his way forward. Now it's time for the next choosing. "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." They all cheered for her as she made her way to the front with Krum. Now it's time for the final student. "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" He stood up and joined the other two. "Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this challice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard cup!" The cover over the cup was taken off to reveal a beautiful trophy.

The fire of the goblet started to act strangely. It turned pink once more even though there's already 3 chosen. A parchment flew out and Dumbledore red the name "Harry Potter" He muttered quietly. "Harry Potter? Harry Potter!" Potter looked nervous and surprised as he walked forward to join the others. People started to get angry but I don't think anyone was as angry as Dumbledore.


I was walking through the halls with Draco when Hagrid stopped us.

"Arrow, I was wondering if you had a spare minute?" He asked while fumbling with his hands.

I nodded, "Draco, why don't you go ahead. I'll meet you when I'm done."

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded once more. He walked away leaving it to be just Hagrid and I.

"We were told you owned a dragon and we was wondering if we could use him for the first round of the tournament?" He asked still fumbling with his hands. Is he crazy?

"Absolutely not." I angrily replied, "Besides, I'm betting you should all know better than to use my dragon because if Potter ends up with him then my dragon could, well i don't know, get a command from his master to kill Potter? Ever think of that?" Hagrid looked terrified. "I'm not one to cross that line Hagrid but it could've happened." He nodded and was about to walk off but I stopped him. "I wouldn't ask my brother either. Potter would definitely end up dead then." I chuckled before leaving to find Draco.

I finally found him in the common room, "Nobody told me we were ditching classes today."  I said sitting down on the couch across from him.

"What did he want?" Draco asked sitting up from his laying down position on the couch.

"He asked to use Monty for the first round in the tournament." I said, disgusted that they would even ask me that.

"You said no right?"

"Of course I said no!" I responded, was that really even a needed to ask question?


It's finally a nice day so the professors gave us a break from our classes to spend outside. Currently Draco and I are sitting in a tree talking about anything that comes to our minds.

"Here comes Potter" Draco pointed out while I was mid sentence. I looked over to see Potter and Cedric talking. Cedric's friends were making fun of Potter which caused Draco and I to laugh. Seems we aren't the only ones to hate him.

I think Potter and Weasley are fighting from the way they just talked with each other.

"Why so tense Potter?" Draco called out but Potter doesn't seem to have to patience to deal with this today. Well who cares about what he thinks. "Our father and us have a bet, you see. We don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament." Potter stopped as Draco hoped down from the tree landed on his feet. I followed soon after, landing on my feet as well. We walked up to him a few steps with Crabbe, Goyle, and two others behind us. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." We all laughed a bit before Potter got up in Draco's face, yelling.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." He shoved my brother back and continued talking. This boy needs to shut his mouth before something happens. "He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic. " Potter turned around and started walking away.

"Come back here you coward!" I angrily yelled but he ignored me.

"Pathetic?" Draco muttered while pulling out his wand.

"Oh, no, you don't, sonny!" Moody yelled, coming out of nowhere and casting a spell at my brother. He transformed into a white ferret. "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!" He stomped towards Draco and used his wand to lift him up into the air. "You stinking, cowardly, scummy..."

"Professor Moody!" I saw Professor Mcgonagoll running up to us. "What are you doing?"

"Teaching." He responded.

"Is that a...? Is that a student?"

"Technically it's a ferret." He responded quickly, still bouncing my brother around with his wand. The ferret, or my brother, went down Crabbes pants. That's gotta stink, for both of them. I've had enough of this.

"You better turn him back right now! You don't want me telling my father about this now do you?" I shouted at him. He looked scared for a moment but quickly wiped the look off his face. He was about to turn Draco back but Mcgonagoll beat him to it.

Draco scampered up, his hair is a disheveled mess and when he turned around stumbled back quickly.

"My father will hear about this!" He spat

"Is that a threat?" He asked going for Draco once more.

I stepped in front of Draco. "For you it is." I stated confidently and he backed down a bit but when Draco ran off I followed him quickly because I don't want to mess with this freak anymore.

"I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy!" He called after us but we ran off quickly before he can do anymore.

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