(15) A/N

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Dear Fabulous readers,

I love everyone of you who has stuck around this long in the story. I ask that you leave suggestions or just let me know what you like and would like to see more of. I have a few points I would like to discuss.

-Would you like to see Hermione and Arrow as a couple or perhaps Harry and Draco? Or even both? I love the LGTB+ community and I love to incorporate that into my story in almost any way I can.

-If you do not want to see them together is there anyone else? Such as Draco and Hermione or Arrow and one of the Weasley twins perhaps. (I love the Weasley twins they are some of my favorites.)

-Is there anyone else you think should be in a relationship?

-Any suggestions for the story? Or comments on what I should change or what you like.

-Lastly, how am I doing in the writing? Are you enjoying the story? I spend quite a bit of time going Over what I've already written to make it the best that it can be.

Once again thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story❤️

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