(19) The Boggart

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"Does it hurt terribly Draco?"

"Comes and it goes. So I consider myself lucky. Madame Pomfrey wasted another minutes or two and I could lost my arm. Couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks then. Please, don't touch it."

I rolled my eyes. Now Draco's over exaggerating for attention. As much as I love my brother, I moved away from him. I can't stand it when the girls drool all over him for something stupid. I moved over by Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. They seem jealous of all Draco's attention. I decided to just ditch the Great Hall and walked to our next class.

I waited outside the room while playing with Monty. He bounced around my arm and messed with my platinum, blonde hair. He must have heard the footsteps coming because he made his way back to my ear and coiled herself around it before turning back to her eating state.

"Is this where you went?" Draco asked me while helping me to stand despite one of his arms being in a sling.

"Well someone was milking it for attention so I left." I replied taking a few of his books so he didn't have to carry them all.

"Awe look at that. The Malfoy twins actually have heart." I turned to see Potter making fun of us. He must have gotten another confidence boost, well it's about to be short lived.

"I swear Potter, if you don't shut up I'll shove this book so far up you-" I attempted to say but Blaise interrupted me

"That's quite enough of that." He said wanting to stop me from finishing my statement. He also took some of my books to make is easier for me.

"No let her continue." Draco said in between laughs. I sent a look towards Potter before turning around and walking into the classroom.

There were no tables or chairs and there stood a cabinet that's  shaking. I set our things on the ground so I didn't have to hold them.

"Would anyone like to venture a guess as too what is inside?" Professor Lupin said starting the class

"That's a boggart" someone answered.

"Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" He asked once more.

"No one knows" I was startled a bit. Since when did Hermione get here. "Boggarts are shapeshifters they take the shape of whatever particular person fears the most. That what makes them so terrifying." Miss know it all answered

"Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now, without wands please. After me, ridiculous."

"Ridiculous" the class answered. Well most of them anyways. The Slytherins in the back kept quiet.

"Very good, louder, very clear. Listen, ridiculous" he said with more emphasis.

"Ridiculous" everyone said once more.

"This class is ridiculous." Draco and I said at the same time. Crabbe and Goyle nodded in agreement.

"Very good, well so much for the easy part. You see the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain, Neville, would you join me please. Come on don't be shy, come on. Neville, what frightens you the most?"

He muttered a few things before saying "Professor Snape" loud enough for the whole class to hear. We all started laughing.

"And I believe you live with your grandmother?"

"Yes but I don't want that boggart to turn into her either" everyone started laughing again.

"It won't. I want you to picture her clothes only her clothes very clearly in your mind."

Neville then started explained what his grandmother dressed like but Professor Lupin stopped him.

"Now when I open that wardrobe, here's what I want you to do." Lupin then proceeded or whisper something in Nevilles ear and Neville looked at him questionably.

The wardrobe unlocked and slowly creaked open. Out came Professor Snape walking towards Longbottom.

"Ridiculous!" He shouted and the boggart changed into Snape wearing his grandmothers clothes. I scoffed and everyone laughed. Professor Snape would absolutely hate this. Everyone formed a line and started taking turns with the boggart.

Lupin played music as everyone took their turns. This is a great opportunity for me because now I know what everyone fears the most. The list went on quickly. Somehow Im now at the front of the line. Professor Lupin urged me forward even though I don't want to participate. I don't even know what scares me the most.

I watched as the boggart changed into my brother but he was hurt. In his most vulnerable state. He was crying while bleeding out from slashes all over his body. He looked to be only a couple years older than he is now. I started shaking uncontrollably.

My mind fought a battle between saying this was real and that this was all fake. I watched I'm horror as the boggart version of my brother took one last shaky breath and died. Tears streamed down my face as I ran out of the classroom. Not caring that I didn't even finish the damn spell.


I shoved passed a few kids to see what my sisters boggart turned into. I saw that it was me. I was...dying. Arrow didn't move she stood frozen like a statue at the image. Her face had horror and fear written all over it. She started shaking and I tried to intervene but the bloody Professor held me back.

I could see the tears fall from Arrow's face as she continued to watch in pain and horror. I heard the class gasp as the fake version of me let out one last shaky breath. Arrow wasted no time in running out of the class with tears falling down her face. I elbowed Lupin to get him to let me go.

"You obviously didn't think of everything did you. You should have stopped to think that maybe someone's fear was too big for them to  control. My father will be hearing about this. I'd be surprised if you're still a teacher here after." I yelled at the Professor before running out after my sister.

I found her crying in the Slytherin common room. She kept muttering "it's not real"

"Your right it's not real." I said hoping that will get her to stop.

"Is it actually you?" She asked starting into my eyes. Her sharp grey eyes are now bloodshot red. She has a bit of makeup running down her face and her face is a bit red from the crying. It hurts me that she had to ask that. That the stupid Professor thought it'd be a good idea to bring that thing here.

"It's actually me." I reassured her and sat down next to her on the couch. She dove into my arms and cried silently, looking up every few minutes to make sure it was actually me she was hugging. That damn thing messed with her mind.

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