(48) First day

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I hopped of the train along with many other students once we arrived at Hogwarts.

Hagrid is waiting for us all on the platform. I made sure Monty was still behind me before I continued on walking towards the carriages.

The thestrals have been getting loads of attention this year since now all the students can see them. It's unfortunate really. Hagrid stood at the entrance of the gate and started speaking.

"Welcome back! I'm mighty glad to see you all here this year. We will all continue to the castle but first we have Azkaban officials here to check all the students. It's for ya safety but don't worry. If ya got nothing to hide, you'll be fine." I froze in my tracks which led to Monty bumping into my legs. They just had to bring them officials here. What am I going to do? It's too late to go back to the manor.

My best bet is to find Draco. He might know what to do. I found him in pretty much the same state I was in.

I pulled him aside the crowd. "What do we do?" I whispered harshly.

"I don't know, I was hoping you had an idea." He responded in a whisper as well. I groaned but then had an idea. I picked up Monty the best I could and held him tightly. Orion wasn't a problem since he's currently in bracelet form on Draco's wrist.

We apparated away from the guards and too the front steps of the school. I opened my eyes and jumped back in surprise, dropping Monty in the process. The new Headmistress, Professor McGonagall, was standing on the front steps of the rebuilt school.

"I was hoping I'd run into you two." She stated calmly. I didn't respond to her. "Did you get past the security alright?"

I hesitantly answered. "Yes ma'am. Sorry we had to do it this way. We didn't want to be taken to Azkaban."

"Not a problem my dears. I was worried as well that you wouldn't be able to get past them okay. I tried everything to keep them from coming but the ministry insisted."

"So you're okay with us being here? Despite what we've done?" Draco asked with a confused look.

"Of course, I wouldn't have sent you a letter if I wasn't. Now go find your dorms and then meet in the great hall." She walked into the school and I shared a confused look with Draco.

Many other students started to show up so Draco and I quickly ran into the castle and to the dungeons where ours dorms would be. We tried to avoid many of the students since we were the ones who killed Dumbledore. I don't think they'll particularly like us.

We walked into the Slytherin common room. It's looked the exact same as the last time we saw it. I walked up to the dorms and noticed that I would be having my own, so would Draco. I'm happy about this. Then hopefully that means we'll be able to be alone whenever we want.

I walked with Draco to the great hall. I left Monty in the dorm room since he wouldn't want to lay at my feet the entire time. We got a few glares and angry glances in the halls but it's nothing we can't handle.

Draco and I took our seats at the Slytherin table and both surprisingly and unsurprisingly. The other Slytherins were fine with us. They acted like nothing ever happened.

Most of them greeted us and made conversation while all the other houses have just been glaring at the two of us.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts!" Professor McGonagall spoke which quieted down the loud chatters. "I would like to acknowledge our 8th years. When I call your name please join me." I groaned at this. I do not want to stand in front of everyone after what I've done. "First and foremost, Harry Potter." The crowd burst in loud cheers and claps for the hero who stopped Voldemort. Potter waved as he walked to the front of the room to join McGonagall. "Ron Weasley." The crowd burst into equally as loud cheers and Weasley walked up. "Hermione Granger...Seamus Finnigan..." she read through the list and one by one the 8th years walked up to the stage.

"Now for our Slytherin students, Blaise Zabini." I clapped loudly for one of my closet friends as he walked up to join the others. "Theodore Nott...Pansy Parkinson...Millicent Bullstrode...Vincent Crabbe...Daphne Greengrass." Draco and I are the only ones still sitting in the crowd, McGonagall hesitated a bit before saying our names. "And finally, Draco and Arrow Malfoy." The room is dead silent as Draco and I slowly rose from our seats. Whispered started going around the room.

"I can't believe there're back."
"They should be locked up in Azkaban."
"I heard, they're still death eaters."

I stood next to my brother as Professor McGonagall started the room in a clap for the 8th years. When she allowed us to return to our seats I practically ran to avoid the other students.

For the remainder of the time I sat quietly, not touching my food. Draco copied my actions. Blaise and Pansy tried speaking to us but gave up after a while. I don't mind the stares but I'd rather not have it during supper. It's seems like the other three houses haven't taken their eyes of Draco and I.

McGonagall dismissed us for bed and I quickly gripped Draco's arm and dragged him out of the great hall before anyone else.

"It's obvious we're not welcome here." I muttered letting go of Draco.

"Let's just try to pretend nothing ever happened. We're still the arrogant, rich, stuck up, overly confident, ambitious, and cunning twins we've always been. Nothings changed." He said trying to lighten the mood, it only worked a bit.

"You realize you just insulted yourself?" I laughed. He nodded proudly.

A few students shoved passed us but I repeated the actions and shoved them back. Draco's right, nothings really changed about us.

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