Give in to me

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My name is Hazel Clark and I'm only 18 years old. I grew up in a small town with only about 1,500 people in it. So basically we all treated each other like neighbors. Everyone treated each other the same way, a lot of good people to grow up with. I miss it so much. It just reminds me of how things used to be.

When I was 10 years old my parents got a divorce. I was devastated. I didn't have any siblings and I still don't but it was hard. Right after the divorce my mom always stayed sick. She was rushed to the hospital on many different occasions. Well it turned out her body was filled with cancer. It was already too late. The doctor told her if she got treated for it would only make her weaker than what she already was. After she was diagnosed she passed away 4 months later. A little bit before my 14th birthday. But I know she's always here with me. I love and miss her everyday. So now it's just me and my father.

Speaking about him, he is one of the most best filming directors in the world. He's worked with all the greatest in the music business. Stevie Wonder, the Supremes, Whitney Huston, James Brown, you name them he's more than likely worked with them before. He's very good friends with the 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson. Honestly, I don't really like him. I mean he's a good entertainer but as a person, don't really care too much about him. He's just a normal person. Speaking of, I have to stay with him for 5 whole damn months because my dad is going away for business. I begged him to let me just stay with my grandparents but noooo! Jerk. I am 18 fucking years old! You would think that he'd trust me but he doesn't...

So as of right now I'm packing my bags like I'm actually moving in with him. I just can't wait until these 5 months are over with. I'm just going to ignore him as much as possible, but I know he's going to throw one hell of a fit if I'm just in my own bubble while I'm there. Like why can't he just leave me alone and mind his own business? You have work to do buddy boy. Ugh! Not looking forward to this at all.

"Hazel, come on we have to go! I'm going to be late for my flight!" I groan grabbing my earphones and my bags before walking downstairs.

"It took you long enough." I roll my eyes.

"I don't even want to go! But yet I'm forced!" I walked outside getting in the car, placing my ear phones in my ear listening to some music.

Dad gets in the car and the next thing I know we are only a couple minutes away. I'm already aggravated with this and I'm not even there yet.

Just a few moments later we arrived. Going through the gates of Neverland. We come to a complete stop so you know what that means. 5 months in hell woot!

Michael came out greeting both me and my dad but I completely ignore his presence. But while he was walking towards this way I just realized how cute he is. Annoyingly cute. Not enough to get his way though.

"Roger! How are you?" He greeted my father with a hug.

"You know, just living day by day the usual." He answered back.

Michael looked at my body staring up and down before his eyes met mine. I roll my eyes. Men, men are scum.

"So you must be Hazel huh?" He said with a smile.

"I'm the only female here so I guess." He continued smiling but I know he wanted to say something else.

"I'm sorry Michael, she's been like this since this morning."

"Um duh, I don't want to be here. But yet look where we are." I hold my arms out.

"And why's that? We could have tons of fun. That's why this place is called Neverland for a reason." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Dude whatever can you just show me where I'll be staying? I'm already irritated."

"Yeah, follow me." He starts walking and I stay far behind following him.

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