The Bully 4

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I didn't know where to drive to I just drove. The excruciating pain that I was feeling, I haven't felt like this since my mom told me she wished it was me that was dead instead of my father.

I just couldn't believe that I allowed him in like that. I am such a vulnerable and gullible person that I believe anything nice people say to me. Just for once I wanted to actually believe that someone cared about me and actually wanted to be with me. Why in the world would I believe that that one person could be the hottest guy in school? But also who has made my life miserable. The way that I easily let my guard down pisses me off the most. The way that I let him talk his way through to get me in bed, really pisses me off. Now knowing that all of this was his true plan, really hurts me the most.

I honestly should have seen it coming. No man like Michael Jackson wants anyone like me. If he does it's only to sleep with because he can't get any from anyone else. That's exactly what he did to me. Even though it was the most beautiful experience ever... I hate that I loved it. I hate that I let it happen.

Thinking more about it, I really hate my self. I slept with someone who PAID and FORCED someone to RAPE and BEAT me. But he acted like he didn't know that Wyatt did that... no wonder he is the worlds greatest youngest actor. I should have seen it! He is an actor for goodness sakes! It's what he does for a living!

How would the world love to know that their SWEET, PRECIOUS, LITTLE INNOCENT, Michael is a complete MONSTER? Maybe, I should just go and ruin his career like he has ruined my life. Show him how to feels having people run you down 24/7. But honestly, I would NEVER do such a thing, because I am too NICE of a PERSON to do SOMETHING that LOW to SOMEONE. No matter how badly I hurt.. I just wouldn't want to ruin someone's career.

I decided after about 45 minute of driving around I just decided to go back home. When I pulled in I seen a random car there that I have never seen before. I had a gut feeling that wasn't a pleasant one. My dad handed me down his police pistol to always keep in my car for protection. So I got in my console and grabbed it hiding it behind my back.

I walked to the front door unlocking it, feeling uneasy. But nothing was out of place. I immediately walked in to my room seeing my door was open which I never leave open. I already had my gun out and pointed walking in there.

"Who ever is in my room better show yourself before I find and shoot you myself!" I was facing my bed when I heard something behind me, so I hurriedly turned around jumping pointing my gun straight at the person. Michael immediately put his hands up shaking. His eyes were absolute blood shot and swollen. "What the fuck are you doing here!? You know you are fucking trespassing!"

"I-I needed to s-see you."

"So you just fucking welcomed yourself in to my home, AGAIN!" I put the gun down because I knew I wasn't going to shoot him.

"If I would have just came and knocked you wouldn't have let me in."

"You damn right! You have no right in being here or anywhere near me at that. So, get the fuck out of my house."

"Not until you talk to me, baby. Please, just talk to me."

"Get this through your fucking big apple shaped head! Don't you ever, EVER, call me baby! I am not your baby! We don't have anything to talk about. I already know everything I need to know. So leave."

"But you are my baby. You will always be my baby. I won't stand losing you without talking to you."

"Michael, get this through your dumb ass brain. WE AREN'T TOGETHER. We never were and never will. You don't have permission to call me baby. You don't even have permission to be in my fucking house! You don't have permission to even talk to me!" What I said didn't phase him.

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