The Bully 5

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*A few weeks later*

It has been three weeks since the whole thing between Michael and I went down. I haven't talked to him not once, but he has tried calling and texting me multiple times.

I am fully homeschooled now, I told my mom what happened and for once she actually listened to me. She apologized for not being there for me when I needed her the most. She apologized for being a terrible mother, blaming me for everything. Let's just say that she has changed a lot since we actually talked one on one.

Since I am homeschooled I still have to go to school every now and then to take my tests. After the test, I am good to go back home. Well today is one of those days. This is my first time being back to school since everything that has happened. I am really not prepared to face the people at school. I feel as though I will run into Michael..

I finally got to school with 20 minutes to spare. I had to go straight to my counselor letting her know that I am here. Just as soon as I was about to walk in, the expected happened.

"Oh my god, Bianca!!" Michael hollered my name so loud that it echoed in the hallway.

I thought I told that bastard to never talk to me again. What a fucking coincidence that I would run into him.

As soon as I turned around there he was. He looked like a completely different person. His hair was now Jheri curls instead of the mini afro he had. Instead of having his little mustache and beard, he was all baby face. Michael looks so damn good. The way he is dressed. He had a black or dark navy blue and red hoodie on with jeans and his classic loafers. I know that isn't much, but this man doesn't even have to try and dress nice, he still looks good in everything.

I didn't speak to him, I had nothing to say to him. As far as I am aware he is still dead to me. All I did was look at him.

"B-Bianca, I-I didn't think that I would e-ever get to s-see you again." Michael started stuttering which is so unusual considering he is an actor.

"That is what I was going for." I said shortly with no emotion.

"How have you been? I have tried reaching out to you.. why didn't you answer, B?" He asked.

"Like you give a damn on how I have been. There was no valid reason for me to answer."

"I do give a damn on how you are doing. You should have answered me, I have been so worried about you. I needed to know that you were ok."

"I was perfectly fine until you came and started a conversation with me. Obviously, you don't understand the words, dead to me."

"Bianca, please, let's just talk. Can we at least do that? Can we at least talk?"

"No, I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to be around you. I don't even want to be seen with you. But apparently you don't comprehend things." I said being annoyed.

"Well, then just listen to me." He walked a little closer to me, staring directly in my eyes. "I know that nothing I am getting ready to say, will change your way of how you feel about me. But I mean everything that I am going to say from the depths within my soul." He closed his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them letting it out. "I am truly sorry for all of the pain that I have caused you. I know I can't take back what I did, but if I could I would in a heartbeat. The only real reasoning that I have as to why I decided to do what I did was because I wanted someone as weak as I was to feel the pain that I have been going through for many years now. Every time I seen you in pain, I got a rush of adrenaline, because I wasn't the one who was in pain at that moment. It felt amazingly good to let out my anger on someone else. The things that I was doing to you have been happening to me at home. I am not going to make this about me, but my father paid his mistress to rape and beat me. I know how scary it is, it has happened to me multiple times growing up. So, as soon as I seen you, I asked everyone on who you were, I wanted to know as much information as I could about you, because I knew that you were going to be my target. That's when Ryan told me that you had a major crush on Wyatt. Wyatt didn't want to do it, but I paid him $350 and he did as I told him to. So, yes, he ended up raping and beating you then ignoring you afterwards calling you harmful words, that was all me. As for everyone sleeping with you, I would have never let that happen. I wanted you, I wanted you all to myself. I was planning on making you my sex bitch that I would fuck whenever I felt like it or sometimes when you felt like it. I wanted to own you but I wanted to destroy you. Now I knew that you wouldn't become my sex bitch, so it was my plan to act like I care about you and your problems, show you off in school, so I could still fuck you when I wanted to. I wanted to make you cry. But that all changed on the day that you showed how much you were hurting and that you finally hit your breaking point. When I ran after you, it was because I needed to. I knew what I had done and I knew that it would have caused you to hurt yourself. I used to cut myself all the time. I almost died several times if it wasn't for my mother. So I couldn't let you do that. I was done hurting you. I was done turning into my father, Joseph. I was tired of putting you in pain. I was just so tired of everything that I put you through, you out of everyone didn't deserve any of that shit. So I had to go to your house. I had to talk to you. I had to somewhat explain myself. The more I talked to you, the more I realized on how severely breathtaking you are, how badly I want you to be mine. I wanted to be the man who protects you from any type of danger or pain. I fell in love with you and I still love you. I know I have a sick and psychotic head, I have been going to therapy, I want to better myself in hopes of ever getting another chance with you. That is my truth."

I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. I was feeling so many painful memories, I was feeling used and betrayed. I was feeling like a piece of garbage. It seems like every time he explains himself it never gets easier. Even if it is the truth. It still hurts as if he was still doing it as he did back when he did. I was so speechless. I didn't have a response. All I knew was that he hurt me in more ways than one. I don't think that I can ever let that go.

"I-I gotta go. Bye, Michael." I turned around and was about to walk into the center before he stopped me.

"No! I literally just stood here and poured my heart out to you and you just want to leave?! Without saying anything!?" He snapped.

"M-Michael I have a test to take. I need to go take it."

"That test will be there once we get done talking. Now, what do you have to say? Come on baby please."

"I-I don't want to talk about this here right now." He grabbed my hand walking us out of school.

"Michael, what are you doing? I have to go take my test!"

"You can take it tomorrow. Tell your counselor something important came up."

"You are unbelievable!" He wouldn't let go of my hand, but he walked us to a near by park.

"Can you let me go now?" He didn't let go until he found a bench for us to sit on. That's when he let me go.

"Now, tell me how you really feel, baby. I want to know how you are truly feeling."

"You want me to forgive you, but I don't think I can. You have done so much damage to my mental and emotional health. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that, but you paid someone to do the same thing to me! To rape and beat me! Michael, someone took my virginity away from me, when I couldn't fight back because of you! You were going to make me your sex slave?! Did you ever for once care about my feelings!? The fact that you got your way without telling me everything and still ended up getting me in bed hurts me the most. That just proves that you used me. You knew exactly what I wanted to hear to get your way of getting me in bed. You won Michael. You got what you want but I got nothing. Only pain." I didn't know tears were falling down my cheeks until he carefully wiped them off.

"Baby, I know. I know what I did was wrong. But you have to believe me when I tell you that I am so fucking sorry. I didn't get what I want because in the end it caused me to lose you. I wasn't thinking baby. I knew that I wanted you, but I knew if you knew that truth, I would've never had a chance with you. I should have told you in the beginning before we slept together.. but I wasn't using that to my advantage. I really wanted you, because I was really falling hard for you. I wanted you to be mine and only mine."

"I-I can't do this, Michael. I can't be with you. You have damaged me too much."

"Baby, please, no.. don't do this. I can fix it, please let me fix it. I want to heal you. I want to show you how important you are to me. I want to show you how much I love and appreciate you. Please baby... please." He started crying a little bit as well when he began begging.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I can't be with you. You have done too much in order for me to just push those things to the side and take you back. I just can't be with you. Goodbye, Michael." I was walking away until I felt his hand in mine turning me around placing his hands on my face letting his lips kiss mine.

At first I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. I kissed him back. But only as a good bye kiss.

We both broke the kiss leaning our foreheads together.

"P-please don't leave me. I-I need you, p-please don't leave me. I love you." He was crying even harder. He kissed me again.

"Goodbye, Michael." With that I walked away crying the whole way back to my car all the way home.

It wasn't until a little later that I was very late on my period just to find out that I was pregnant.

With his baby that we knew nothing about.

(What do you guys think about ending it off here? Or do you think she should tell Michael that she is pregnant?)

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