My Step Father (Book 2)

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(This image may confuse a lot of people if you haven't read, My Step Father and My Step Father 2. You can check those stories out after this if you want to. It'll make more sense. BUT ENJOY 🤣)

"Riles.. hey baby.. baby... Riley... babe.. wake up." I heard Michael's sweet voice and felt him gently nudging me.

I jumped a little bit, from being startled while I was sleeping, just to slowly blink my way to be awake, seeing Michael sitting in front of me.

"Michael.. what time is it?" I asked in a yawn. He was rubbing my leg (which is what he always did as comfort).

"It is almost 10 o'clock baby. Jayla is already in bed."

Holy hell! When did I even fall asleep?

"How long have I been asleep for?" I asked starting to sit up on the couch. Which I had troubles with, so Michael had to help me.

"Only for a couple of hours. I was talking to you but you didn't reply. I came to check on you, baby you were sawing logs." He giggled a little bit.

"I was not snoring, Michael! I don't snore!" I hit his chest. He started laughing a little harder.

"Yes, babe you do. At least sometime.  It just depends on how exhausted you are. On this occasion, you were snoring babe." I started crying for no reason. "Awe, why are you crying baby?"

"Y-you made fun of me snoring.." I sniffled.

"No! No! No! No, babe I wasn't. I always find it adorable when you snore. Come here." Michael stood up holding my hand, so he could help me stand up. He wrapped his arms around me just holding me. "I couldn't and would never make fun of you, Riles. You are so fucking breathtaking, I lose my breath every time I look at you. I have a hard time controlling myself."

"I am not breathtaking! I am so fucking fat, my feet hurt, my back hurts, I am moody all the fucking time, I constantly stay hungry and horny, I have to take a piss every 10 fucking minutes! And it's all because of you! You are the person who made me this way! I hope you're happy!" I snapped, pushing him away from me.

"Baby, you are so pulchritudinous! Every time I look at you, I get so turned on babe. Everything about you. Hell yeah, I am so exhilarated! Baby you are carrying a little person inside of you that we created! How could I not love you? How could I not be overly excited? I love seeing you pregnant with my baby." He told me staring straight in to my eyes. Tears were falling down my face, but he was there to catch them.

"I-I love you, Michael. I love you so fucking much."

"I love you baby. I love you too. Now, let's get mommy to bed." Michael placed a light kiss on my forehead before walking us up the stairs.

We walked into the bed room with Michael shutting the door behind us. I took my pants and bra off before getting in the bed. Michael took off his t-shirt and pants getting in right behind me to spoon me like always.

My breasts have been very tender here lately. But tonight, they hurt more than ever. I cupped my swollen breasts in my hands massaging them, but I winced.

"Is it your breasts or nipples this time, babe?" Michael asked me rubbing my stomach causing Mikah to kick really hard.

"It's a little bit of both." Michael has always helped me with this part.

Luckily, my breasts aren't the type that leak.

At least not yet thank god!

"Let me help you babe." His big warm hand went under my shirt grasping one of my breast.

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