Bumping into you

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(Request credit goes to: @TheRealXonny)

"Xondria, what do you think about this?" My best friend Nayah, asked me lifting up a beautiful tie dye sweater that ties at the bottom.

I am literally obsessed with tie dye clothing or any types of decore. You should literally see my bed room and bathroom. Call me stupid or whatever but I like colors. Bright colors.

"Yeah, I love that one! Put it in the cart." She tossed it in the shopping cart, continuing walking down the isle.

I was getting ready to say something, when I felt my phone, vibrate. It was my husband, LaMelo.

"Hi, babe..." I said answering the phone.

"Baby, what are you doing?" He asked me how it of breath.

My husband is about to become a famous basketball player just like his older brother Lonzo Ball. Who used to be on the Los Angeles, Lakers basketball team. But now he is the point guard for the New Orleans, Pelicans.

"I am at the mall with, Nayah. How is basketball practice going?"

"Well.. at least she got you out of the house. I am ready to be home, baby. It is stressful but it's going good. I got a lot of scouts coming to look at me. So that's a good thing." He sighed sounding exhausted.

"Of course Melo, that is a good thing because baby your dreams are coming true. You are pushing towards something that you love. I wish you were home, baby. I feel so alone when your gone." I started walking around in the store looking at the other clothes that they have.

"I know, baby. I'm sorry, but when this is all said, done and over with, I'll be with you. When I get drafted, you'll travel to the games with me. We don't have to be apart anymore. You know that I love you and this will be good for the both of us."

"I know baby. I know. You only have 2 days left and then you'll be home, ready for the NBA drafting. I lov-" I got cut off by accidentally running into someone. "Shit I'm so sor--ry." I looked up and I couldn't believe it.

My ex boyfriend of almost 3 years before LaMelo, Michael Jackson.

"Baby? Hello? Baby? What happened? Xondria? Baby!" Melo was hollering on the phone. He got me out of my daze of staring at him. Michael, who was staring at me while his panty dropper smile.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Are you okay, baby? What happened? I've been hollering at you for the past two minutes."

"Yes, baby I'm okay.." I stared at Michael and his smiled disappeared. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into someone like an idiot." He started chuckling before we both heard the coach blow the whistle.

"Sound like you, baby. Well listen, you and Nayah have fun at the mall, but not too much fun." He started laughing because he knows what can happen when we both go out and shop together. "I will call you later, once I get to the hotel. Okay baby?"

"I will have all the fun I can without. I love you. Have fun at practice and I'll be waiting for you."

"I love you, too. Tell Nayah I said hey."

"I will bye."

"Bye, babe." With that we both hung up at the same time.

I walked down the isle, well at least tried to.

"Wow. We haven't seen each other in two years and you act like you don't know me. Geez that hurts." I rolled my eyes turning around to look at him.

"Hi Michael. Bye Michael."

"Draya..." that's what he had always called me.

I must admit.. my heart melted a little bit hearing that.

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