My Coach

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(Just a heads up before I get hated on, the girl is of legal age. She is in college basketball.)

"Alright ladies bring it in.. bring it in!" Mr. Jackson said in a disappointing tone.

We all ran over to the sideline forming a group around Mr. Jackson.

"Listen, I know you guys are having it rough right now - with tons of homework and studying for finals. You guys were doing so good, what the hell happened?" He asked in a frustrated tone.

Truth be told, I haven't been able to focus on basketball. I have always thoroughly loved basketball, it's my first love. But all that went to crap when I started developing feelings for Mr. Jackson. It is so hard not to fall for him when he is like the most perfect breathtaking living human on earth. I haven't been doing good at practice, he is all I can ever think about anymore..

"What do you think, Erica?" Michael snapped me out of my thoughts that I didn't pay attention to anything he was saying.

"Pardon?" I replied completely embarrassed that I wasn't listening.

"Maybe if you pay attention for once Erica, your athleticism wouldn't be shitty and downgrading. You are one of our top players. Now I'm not so sure." Michael said sternly staring deep into my eyes.

I felt embarrassed and humiliated in front of the rest of the players. But I was mostly pissed off by the way he was talking to me. I'm not the only one playing shitty.

"If that's how you feel, I quit. I'm not going to be disrespected by you or anyone." I took off my practice jersey tossing it right to him. Luckily I had a sports bra underneath instead of a regular one. I turned around and started walking towards the locker room.

"Ladies, 45 minutes, suicides, now!"Michael said pissed off behind me.

I don't give a damn how inappropriate it was. Michael is in the wrong from the way he talked too me in front of the players. If he really had that big of an issue, then he should've talked to me after practice. Not fucking humiliate me.

"Fucking bastard." I mumbled to myself when I got to my locker.

"Who is a fucking bastard?" Michael said behind me.

I jumped a little bit, turning around, from not being aware that he was following me.

"What the hell are you doing in the girls' locker room?"

"Who are you calling a bastard?" Michael questioned, which caused me to roll my eyes.

You will never understand how exposed I felt with him just looking at me without my jersey on.

"You. You are the bastard, Mr. Jackson. You feel better now?"

He took a few steps closer to me. I never once felt uncomfortable, just exposed.

"Call me Michael when it's just us. How am I a bastard? Just because I called you out?"

"You are a bastard from the way you humiliated and embarrassed me in front of the players."

"So you just up and quit?" Michael stepped closer to me.

"Why the fuck are you here? You know this is illegal right? Aren't you a coach? Aren't your players out there?" I pointed to the door.

"They are occupied. It isn't illegal if I'm coming to check on one of my players."

"I quit the team Michael, if you haven't realized." I pointed to the jersey that was in his hand.

"You quit the team and took your jersey off in front of everyone. I came to bring it back to you." Michael said as calmly as he could.

"I don't want the jersey back, you can keep it and find a replacement." I turned around to face my locker again, grabbing clean clothes from in there.

I felt Michaels stare even though my back was facing him. Just to make matters worse, I took off my basketball shorts, leaving me in my sports bra and boy shorts underwear, turning around to face him again, handing them to him.

"I'll bring my game uniform to you tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take a shower. Not unless you are going to follow me into there too and stare." I chuckled grabbing all of my things.

I walked over to one of the showers turning it on.

"How about I just fuck you in there instead?" Michael said in a whisper as soon as I raised back up.

His front was pressed against my back and I could clearly feel his erection pressed against my ass.

"E-excuse me?" I stupidly stuttered moving away from him.

"Oh don't play innocent Erica. I know the real reason why you are playing so badly. I notice you checking me out and undressing me with your eyes. Instead of paying attention at practice you are too busy gawking at me." From how cocky he sounded I didn't like it.

"Don't be so cocky Michael. I don't gawk at you, I just look at you. I don't undress you with my eyes (yes I do), that's inappropriate. You being in here saying shit like that too me is inappropriate as well. Actually just you being in here in general."

"You know what?" Michael started, then took a step back. "That's just too bad then. Want to know why?" I stupidly nodded my head.

"You are such a pretty young thing, attractive as hell, beautiful, sexy, and curvy in all the right places." Michael started walking towards me until I was trapped.

"Look at me." I looked up at him and he continued.

"I have to admit that I can't deny not undressing you with my eyes, or even having fantasies of how I would love to bury myself deep inside of your tight little pussy, begging and screaming for me to stop. You don't understand how badly I want to taste you, and I wouldn't stop until you forced me too." Right then and there, I was soaked. I have never been so turned on before.

Michael grabbed my hand and placed it on his obvious hard on. He gently squeezed my hand, causing me to squeeze his dick. He let out a struggle muffled moan when I squeezed him a little bit harder rubbing it up and down.

"C-can I touch you, Erica, please?" Michael asked me.

"W-we don't have much time, Michael. You need to go back out there before we get caught." Michael sexually frustratedly sighed.

"Get dressed, you are coming with me."

"No I'm not Michael, just because you want to fuck me, doesn't mean I'm coming back. Sex won't excuse you from how you treated me in front of them."

"Why are you being like this huh? Why are you being such a child. Put your big girl clothes on and let's go."

"Oh, so now I'm being a child? This just keeps getting better and better. I'm not going with you, forget it."

"Your ass better still be here when practice is over. I mean it Erica." Michael said sternly leaving the locker room finally.

I sighed heavily leaning against the wall.

"What the fuck just happened?" I mumbled to myself.

Those confessions he made to me. It turned me on so much. Especially how he wanted to bury himself deep inside of me and fuck me in the shower. I felt him and he is huge. I hardly doubt that if it ever did happen, he wouldn't be able to fit. How about him admitting he wanted to eat me out? God damn it he made me so hot.

I guess I'll just go back out there to get my mind off of it. Besides it'll make him happy, but I'm still quitting after.

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