The Dance Teacher 1

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It was my first day of dance class, with of course the KING of many things including dance, Michael Jackson. I am 23 years old, always been fond in the world of dance, but have never been introduced to it. As like a hobby. I have danced for fun of course, like parties and the clubs, but i know there is more to it then just that. I want to know the soul of dance. I want to feel the escape universe it takes you to. The blissful peace. And I figured... if I wanted to know the life of dance, I might as well do it with the WORLDS greatest.

I am actually very nervous. I have never been apart of any type of choreography, so I don't know if I have what it takes, to keep up with his routines. I heard that he isn't an asshole but he doesn't mess around when it comes to dance. I also paid decent amount of money for these classes so I'm really trying not to screw up.

I got out of my car grabbing my little duffel bag that has all my essentials in it. My water bottle, sweat towel, now my car keys.

I walked through the doors and it was huge. The outside didn't look big but the inside was. You could hear his hit songs playing throughout the speakers.

"Excuse me, miss. Name please?" The guy who was sitting at check in table got my attention.

"I'm so sorry, Arya Summer." He looked down the list, until he found my name checking it off.

"Gotcha, your all set to go. Good luck!" I gave him a warm thank you smile before following the music.

I walked down this mysterious hall following the beat of the music hoping to get to my destination. It led me to 2 big doors that were closed, but music and chatter was on the other side of it. So I opened it seeing a bunch of girls and some guys stretching doing their warm ups.

I knew that most of the people here would be women because they're so fascinated by this man who only makes music for a living. Don't get me wrong, Michael Jackson is as good as it gets, but I really don't see the big hype over him. I'm not a fan of him, I like some of his songs, but I wouldn't call myself a fan. Judge me all you want, but it's the truth. I'm just here to learn how to dance from the King himself.

I sit my stuff in a corner where no one else's is. I like being by myself. I don't have to interact with anyone. I decided that I might as well stretch to be some what flexible for what's to come.

"I'm guess you're the new girl? Hi, my name is Jerrelle." I looked up to see this guy with light brown skin, curly black short hair and bright hazel eyes. He's about 5'9 I would say.

"My name is Arya. I guess so. Am I the only new person here?" I was getting ready to stand up when he offered his hand to help me.

"We don't get new people very often. Michael only has these classes when he's taking a break from tour. We all know that only happens very, very rarely. People don't want to waste money on classes when it isn't a constant thing. If that makes sense." I nod my head, because it does make sense. "So, how long have you been dancing for?"

"I've never danced before. Only besides club dancing and stuff. Which doesn't really count." His bright hazel eyes got wide.

"You have no experience in dance and you are taking this class? Arya, are you crazy? At least everyone here has had 1-13 years of experience. Even we have trouble keeping up sometimes. This is very high level of dance. We like it, because it's challenging."

Well that shot down my little bit of confidence that I had. Maybe dance just isn't for me then. Well at least, Michael's dance. If these people who have a lot more experience than I do have trouble, what makes you think that I have what it takes to even somewhat succeed a little bit?

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