Just Partners?

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My name is Marie, I am a Junior Honors Student at Fallmir High School. I wouldn't say that I am one of the popular girls, I just have my small circle of friends. Which consist of only 4 people.

I don't like any of the students that go to this school. They're all so stereotypical. If you don't look or dress a certain way, you automatically don't belong in this school. According to most of the students that go here. You have to wear designer clothing brands in order to fit in.

I wouldn't say my parents are rich, they work hard for their money. Whatever me and my brother wanted we usually got it. We never asked for much though. Our parents never spoiled us.

Like I said before, if you don't dress high class and fancy, you aren't welcomed here. Just like this new kid, Michael. He is in all of my honor classes and one of the most smartest people that I know. But since he doesn't dress like the rest of the jockey boys, he gets made fun of everyday. Which doesn't settle right with me.

Michael doesn't even talk to anyone really. He is very shy and quiet. I don't see why someone would want to pick on him. Hell we have partnered up on several projects, he never really spoke to me. Just always focused on getting his part done.

As of today we got partnered up on 2 projects. A chemistry project where we have to study, do in-depth research on 8 enrichment topics, making a portfolio and PowerPoint on each topic.

1. Crystal Structure
2. Environmental Chemistry
3. Organic Chemistry
4. Nuclear Medicine
5. Textile Chemicals
6. Polymers
7. Forensics
8. Chemistry of Computers

And we got partnered up in our AP Psychology project, which studies include motivation, emotion, stress and health, personality, psychological disorders, psychotherapy, and social psychology. We get to choose 3 topics, making a 10 slide PowerPoint for each.

It's a lot of work, but I love learning different things. It's new and exciting to me.

"Michael, wait up." I hollered at him.

This boy walks super fast so I have to jog in order to catch up to him.

"Oh, hi Marie." Michael said softly when I caught up to him.

"Are you ready for the semester projects?" I asked while we were walking to the lunch room.

"As ready as I'll ever be. It shouldn't be too hard. How about you?" Michael stuck his hands in his pockets when we got in the lunch line.

I finally realized what he was wearing (in the picture above) and it looked great on him. He could literally wear a Mickey Mouse sweater and jeans and still look cute.

I caught myself staring when he cleared his throat. I looked up at him and he was blushing which caused me to blush.

"Uh, it shouldn't be stressful. Besides I have a pretty intelligent partner." I smiled at him, causing him to smile back.

Out of nowhere a few people purposely shoulder bumped Michael hard. He grabbed his shoulder looking at me.

"Aren't you going to say something?" I asked him while we moved closer in the line.

"No, it was just an accident. I'll be fine."

"Michael 3 people ran into you, that's no damn accident. You need to go confront them." I grabbed my tray, telling the lady my lunch number.

"Marie!" My best friend Gracie hollered for me at our usual lunch table.

I went over to her and took a seat beside of her. I watched out for Michael to see if he would follow me, instead he went to the far back sitting by himself.

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