A Sleep Over? 2

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I woke up with a massive headache and my lower region hurt a little bit when I sat up. I looked around the room and noticed that I wasn't in my room. Then I looked down and noticed I was naked. I took the comforter pulling it up and over my chest covering myself.

Michael opened his room door wearing nothing but his underwear. He had a food tray in his hands with a cup of apple juice and a plate.

"Oh good you are awake. Here you go babe, I made you breakfast and it is your favorite. Fruity pebbles pancakes." He set it down on my lap.

"I also brought you these for your headache. I highly suggest you take them now." He handed me 3 ibuprofen's, kissing me on top of my head.

I put them down my throat swallowing, then taking a drink of my apple juice.

He left the room for a couple of minutes before coming back with his tray of breakfast.

"Michael what is all of this for?" I asked completely confused with all of this. Nothing like this I have ever experienced before. No one has ever made me breakfast in bed after sleeping with them.

"What is all of what for? I can't be nice to you and cook you breakfast?" He asked sitting down on the side of the bed with his food, taking a bite of his chocolate chip pancakes.

"I have spent the night multiple times before and you never have. Why all of a sudden change?"

"Are you really questioning me right now? Can't you just be grateful that I made you your favorite breakfast and brought it to you in bed?"

"I am grateful Michael, that's not the point."

"What is the point then? Please explain to me."

"The point is is that nothing changed just because of what took place last night. You don't have to be nice and sweet to me because of that. It was a one time thing, we both know it."

"Is that what this is about, because we had sex? Look, we both had a great time, we can agree on that. That is not the reason why I am being nice to you. Is it really a sin and that big of a deal that I decided to cook you breakfast? If it is then it won't happen again. And if that's all you want it to be is a one time thing, then so be it."

I don't care that he made me breakfast, I really don't. It's just all of a sudden he cares and treats me differently now since we had sex. Not a bad way of treating me, but I'm not use to it because all we have ever been is just best friends.

"We don't need to make things complicated. I just think we were really drunk and hooked up mistakingly. I don't want our friendship to be ruined because of this."

"Being drunk isn't an excuse. I don't know about you but I knew exactly what I was doing and what I wanted the alcohol didn't do the talking. What I want/wanted was you, whether I was drunk or sober. Our friendship will only be ruined if you want it to be ruined. It's cool though, no hard feelings." Michael shrugged his shoulders taking a drink of his orange juice.

I was shocked by his answer and how cool he was being.

"What are you saying? That you have always wanted to sleep with me?" I asked taking a bite of my pancake.

"For many years now, but you've showed no signs of interest until recently. That's why I just now acted on it."

"You didn't give me much of a choice because you always had different girls by your side. You waited until we were both intoxicated to act on it? That's great Michael. You used me to get your way because I was intoxicated." I stopped eating putting my tray down on his night stand.

I got up and started searching for my clothes putting them back on. I could most definitely feel his eyes on me.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. I didn't use you Natalie. You should know me better than that. I would never ever use you. I wouldn't take advantage of you either just because you were drunk. I only used them as a distraction until I knew when the right moment was to make my move."

"And we had to be drunk in order for you to make your move?" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Look, if you really think I was using you because we were both drinking, then think what you want to think. I'm not going to keep sitting here and argue with you about this. If you don't want to believe me so be it. It just shows that you really don't know me like you claim that you do." Then he stood up and walked over to me. Eventually moving closer.

"I just hope that one day that you realize that I do genuinely care about you and that I love you. I would never use or take advantage of you, ever. That's not the type of person that I am. I really did enjoy myself last night, truthfully we should have done it sooner. I honestly don't want it to just be a one time thing." Michael reached out his hand and touched my cheek. He closed the space between us until we are noses were merely inches away from touching each other. And his eyes switched back and forth between my eyes and lips.

All of a sudden he pressed his lips against mine. Both of his hands went behind my neck pushing me closer to him.

"But if that's not what you want, you better tell me right now before I fuck you against this wall." He said pulling back away from the kiss.

I didn't say anything, I just looked up at him.

"I'm giving you 30 seconds to tell me that you only want it to be a one time thing. If not I'm seriously going to fuck you hard against that wall."

I still didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to object. I don't want it to be a one time thing. And I kind of do want him to fuck me against the wall.

"Okay then, you asked for it." I was soon stripped from my clothes again and pushed back until my back hit the wall.

I felt his erection being squeezed between us. It was hot.

And he did exactly what he said he was going to do.

He fucked me hard against that wall.

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