My Brother's Best Friend 4

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I look at him with wide eyes. This can't be real. It isn't real. He's a player.

"No, no you don't." I raise up and pace around the room.

"Yes I do."

"Michael you've never loved a day before in your life. And you aren't starting today."

His eyes look hurt.

He goes over and gathers his clothes.

"Your right. A guy like me can never love can they?" He puts his clothes on.

"Michael... you can't love me."

"Your right. I shouldn't have even said it." He walks to the door and leaves.

"I love you too.." he stops right dead in his tracks. He turns around slowly.

"What did you just say?" He asked in disbelief.

"I said I love you too because I do." He smiles that panty dropper smile of his and runs over to me. He takes me in his arms lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Say it again."

"I love you Michael Joseph Jackson. More than you could ever imagine." I look him deep in the eyes meaning every word of it. I grab his cute little face kissing the man that I eventually fell in love with.

He takes us both inside laying me down on the bed.

"I want to do things right. I want to make sure we are fully into this thing until we take the next step. Trust me baby, it's taking everything in me to not strip down and fuck you out of that robe. But I'm not." That sends chills all throughout my body. "So instead I just want to cuddle my beautiful girlfriend. Can I do that? Am I allowed?" He asked softly.

"Michael, you don't have to ask me. Get your cute little ass in bed." He smiles.

"D-do you mind if I'm just in my underwear? I didn't bring any shorts."

"Sleep naked for all I care." I stand up taking my robe off and he stares at me.

"Michael, you've seen me naked before. Multiple times. Come on baby." I get into bed waiting on him. I feel the bed sink in meaning he's behind me. It's then that I feel something poking my butt. I giggle.

"I-I-I I'm so sorry I- damn it.." he mumbles more to himself.

I flip over and face him. I give him a big smile.

"You've never been naked in front of anyone before?" He shakes his head no.

"Awww, that's cute. Well I'm happy to be your first." I scoot closer to him.

"Do you want me to see it?" His eyes go wide.

"It's okay baby if not." I wrap my hands around his head when he lays on my chest. He removes the blankets from over him.

"Look." I look to see what he's talking about and he stares at my face for my reaction. My eyes go big like they are going to pop out of my head. He quickly covers himself up.

"It's ok if you don't like it.. you can tell me." I kiss his lips while I play with his hair.

"Stop putting yourself down. Your beautiful. So beautiful and so mine. Your perfect baby. More than perfect." He smiles at me. He digs his face back into my chest kissing it. He keeps moving his hands not sure of where to put them.

"Don't be afraid to touch me Michael."

"What if I don't do it right?"

"Do what right my love?"

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