Just Best Friends? 2

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It's been months since I've heard from Michael. Last time I talked to him was that night I took his innocence. After that not a peep. I heard from the news that he is back on tour again which saddened me. He didn't even have the audacity to say goodbye. Also that he is dating someone else. I never want to see or speak about him ever again. Kinda hard to deny the fact that I fell in love with him though.

Derek somehow found out what happened between us and left me. Which I don't blame him. Just because he is-was my best friend doesn't give me the right to cheat on my boyfriend. I just feel disgusted with myself.

Other than depressed all the time I picked up extra shifts at my job. It helps my mind be free from everything. Working 60+ hours a week. It is a lot to handle but I have nothing else to do with my life. So what's the point of staying home doing nothing when I could be making more money.

I ran downstairs to get something to drink until I heard the doorbell ring. God who the hell is it? I don't have company. Walking to the door I unlocked it opening it seeing who it was. The nerve.

"Hi, V." He smiles weakly. I rolled my eyes shutting the door back locking it. How dare he just show up without invitation acting like everything is perfect. What made him come here, huh?

Heading towards my refrigerator to grab me a bottle of kiwi strawberry propel water. I could hear the knocking while I was in the kitchen.

"Come on, V please let me in. I can't be left out here for so long."

"Then go home." That's when my door unlocked and opened. Oh, so he just welcomes himself?

"Did you forget you gave me a key to your house?" He said shutting the door behind him.

"Gives me a reason to actually change the locks."

"Why didn't you just let me in?"

"I don't want you here. Can't catch a hint?"

"Are you mad at me?" He asks softly.

"Nope. I'm just done with you. For good."

"What? Veronica, what did I do that pushed you away from me?"

"The fact that you have the nerve to even stand here and act like everything is all find and perfect. Get out of my house."

"Please just talk to me. I don't want to lose my best friend."

"You made that decision when you left my house months ago. Didn't have the audacity to call and tell me you were leaving! Had to find out through the news. You didn't even call me not once while you were on tour! You used to 6-8 times a day when you did call. But now you got some ugly ass bimbo around your finger. It doesn't take you long does it?"

"V I'm sorry I didn't come and see you before I left. I just-I just couldn't see you. I should've called you. I'm sorry. Don't you ever call her that again."

"I'll call her what ever the fuck I want to call her. I don't want to hear your petty ass excuses. Like I said, we are done. Don't plan on calling me or coming by here ever again. I'm serious Michael leave."

"That bimbo isn't my girlfriend."

"I don't care. Why are you still here?"

"Because I don't give a fuck what you say I'm not leaving! The only reason why I didn't come by and see you or call was because I couldn't stand to see you or to hear your voice. There was so many things that I was feeling that night I pushed myself away from you."

"Why? Why would you do that? What's your excuse now?"

"Because I respected you and your relationship, V. I didn't want to make things more complicated than it already is. You don't know how bad I wanted to persuade my feelings to you. That's why I up and left."

"Persuade your feelings? What feelings?"

"When I told you that I loved you it wasn't a best friend I love you. I am truly in love with you and I always have been for the past few years. I just didn't want to scare you away if you knew the truth." He said humbly.

"Why didn't you just tell me? You wouldn't have scared me away."

"Because all you have ever seen us being is friends. You don't love me like I do you."

"You really believe that?" He nods.

I walked over towards him cupping his face with my hands landing my lips on his. It took him no time to kiss me back. Picking me up wrapping my legs around his waist he backed me up against the wall.

"Say it I need to hear you say it." He begged.

"Michael, I love you. I love you. I am in love with you." He grinds himself against my area.

"Can I have you right here right now?" He whimpered against my lips.

"Yes my love." It didn't take long after until we were both fully nude with my back still against the wall.

He slipped himself in, after making sure I was wet enough for him.

"J-Jesus, baby, you don't know how much I have missed you, for the past 6 months. I am so sorry, for not giving you time to explain or even call, baby. I fell for you and I fell for you hard." He started thrusting faster into me. "I-fuck! I just thought you only did it, because you felt sorry for me. T-the way I looked at you with s-so much love, I-I didn't get the same, thing. You turned away from me. GOD BABY YOU ARE FUCKING TIGHT!"

"I-I fell in love with you in an instant. T-there is no making that that. I-I was just denying it myself, b-baby.. b-but I love you, so, FUCK ME DADDY!"

I could have sworn his breathing had stopped. I mean his whole entire body stopped, which kept me craving for more.

"W-what did you just call me?" He said in a low deep voice that sent shivers throughout my body.

"D-Daddy.." i moaned when he started to suck on my neck, leaving his territory there.

"I want to hear you start screaming, daddy, when I'm beating up your tight pretty pink." He gritted while he fucked me, so much harder than the first time. "Let me hear it." He absolutely fucked me into paradise.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't comprehend anything at all. My brain wasn't functioning.

He smacked my ass and gritted.

"Fucking scream it!" He smacked my ass again..

"F-FUCK ME DADDY! You feel so fucking good, beating my pretty pink up!" I screamed and yelped when his cold finger came in contact with my bud rubbing it in circles.. bringing me to my second orgasm of the night. "F-fuck Daddy... I-I'm gonna cum.."

He lifted me from the wall, moving us to the couch.

"Get on all fours for daddy. Let daddy take you to a place you ain't ever been before." I get on all fours to where my cheek is against the back cushion.

He pounded back into me, his finger instantly finding my pearl.

"C-cum for baby. C-cum for daddy.. I love you, baby. Let our love take you to paradise. Cum for me before a blow my load." All his begging to the job.

"DADDY! I'm fucking cumming!!" And I did hard.

Not even seconds later, I felt my boyfriends load deep inside of me, coating each centimeter of my pretty pink.

He picked up my limp body, long enough to lay down on the couch to cuddle me. He grabbed the blanket that was laying over the couch, covering is both up.

"Y-you are so fucking sexy when you go all dominate daddy mode on me." I yawned against his chest, while he giggled.

"It was my first time. You were sexy as fuck obeying my commands."

"I love you, you goof."

"I love you, too, baby girl. Good night."

I didn't fall asleep until I knew he was fully asleep. I know he has troubles, so it wouldn't be fair if I slept and he didn't. I cuddled into his chest and instantly fell asleep with the man who I have always been in love with.

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