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Pamela's P.O.V

"Babe! Can you come and help me zip my dress in the back?!"

I can't believe I have to wear a damn dress today just to serve some rich guy at our 5 star rating restaurant. If someone famous comes in then that's when we have to wear our luxury uniform.

"Babe!? Can you help me!? I can't afford to be late!" Finally, Michael walks into the bathroom talking on the phone.

"Hold on, Bre.. Pamela wants me to help her with something." He seemed annoyed and irritated that he had to stop his whatever conversation he had with that hoe to help me, his girlfriend.

I turned around stopping him before he took another step further.

"You know what? I don't need your help. Forget it." He rolled his eyes before walking closer to me.

"Turn around. You asked for my help so I'm here." Then he started laughing at something that BreAnna said blushing like crazy.

"Yeah, after I had to basically yell at you. You know what? I'll have someone at work to help me. I'm going to be late." I mumbled walking around him into our room. I grabbed my work jacket putting it on before grabbing my phone, purse and keys.

He didn't even follow me... he's been acting like he doesn't acknowledge me what so ever anymore. Not since him and that chick BreAnna has started talking. Not to mention we've been together since we were 16 but now we are 20. He just isn't the Michael that I fell in love with anymore.

I left the room walking down the hall into the living room getting ready to leave for work. As soon as I opened the door he stopped me. Which instantly caused me to jump.

"You aren't leaving without giving me a kiss are you?"

"Uh, truthfully I am.. go ask BreAnna for a kiss. I'm sure she'll love it from you." I said sarcastically, turning around to face the door again.

"Babe, why would I want to kiss her? I don't need her when I have you."

"Really? Could've fooled me. Michael, you haven't fucking kissed me or told me you loved me in weeks. Ever since you met her. It is always BreAnna this. BreAnna that. Now I know who has your attention, Michael. It sure as hell isn't me. I'm done, Michael. I've had enough of this. I-it's over." I sniffled quietly.

"Pam, baby," his voice started cracking. I think he was beginning to cry. "you know how much I love you. Baby, you are everything and more to me. Y-you can't just leave me."

"I'll be back after work to collect my items and such."

"B-baby, no you can't leave me. W-we've been together for 4 years. N-now y-you just want to end things?" He wasn't about to make me feel sorry for his mess.

"No, Michael, I'm just doing what you hadn't have the balls to do. I can't keep living like this. I-I put up with your shit for far too long. I haven't had your attention for almost a month. I'm not wasting anymore time with you when you have no interest. I'm not going to be cheated on. I'm done, Michael. Bye." I didn't give him time to respond.

How dare he expect me to kiss him when he's been treating me like I'm nonexistent!? We've been living together ever since we graduated high school. What did I do? Before I even thought it out further I was already at work. I arrived 10 minutes early. Not much traffic what so ever, which was weird. Good, that means someone can help me with my dress.

I grabbed my stuff, getting out locking my door, walking into the restaurant. The first person I spotted was Nicholas Green. A medium dark brunette with those bright green eyes of his. Damn if he don't look good in his all black tuxedo that hugs his athletic toned body so good, with a light blue bow tie.

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