The Dance Teacher 2

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I didn't know what he meant exactly by, 'Everyone's bound to get wet at Neverland' so I took that as a hint of a pool of some sort or something. I ended up packing a bathing suit with a few extra pairs of clothing. With my essentials.

I hope he doesn't think that I'm staying over. That's going too far. Way too far. It's just dance. That's it.

My phone went off, I received a text from a number I have never seen before.

*Hey, Arya... it's Michael 😅. I was just making sure that we are still on?*

How the fuck did he get my number??

*Um.. hi? Not to be rude or anything... but how did you get my number? But, yes, not unless something came up on your end..*

Not even a few minutes later another message.

*The form that you signed to get in to the class. I just wanted to confirm to see if we were still on for tonight. Nothing has came up on my end.. but I'm sure by the end of the night, something might. 🙃*

Of course the FORMS! God I'm such a dumb ass. Um, I'm not really sure what that last part means, I'm not sure if i want to find out either.

*Oh yeah... completely forgot about the forms 🤦🏼‍♀️. As far as I'm aware yes we are still on for tonight. I'm not sure what that means, can you explain?*

Automatic reply.

*By the end of the day you will see what I mean 😆. Also, instead of you driving back to the studio, I could pick you up? So your car won't just sit at the studio.*

Is he really? Ugh! I believe he's trying to get me to stay. Not going to happen.

*Jackson, if you are trying to do anything funny.. it's not going to happen. But I guess that's fine... but how will I get home?*

*Anything funny? It's just dancing lessons. What ever happens during those lessons, will happen. Why would you ever think so low of me 🥺? Oh, I will give you a ride home. You don't have to worry about that ☺️.*

*Just nervous because I don't know you. I don't know ANYTHING about you. But yet here I am going to your house the same day I met you for some damn dancing lessons.*

*I understand that completely. How about on the way to my home we get to know each other? You can ask me anything and vise versa."

I smiled when he said that, knowing he can't see me smile.

*That sounds like a plan.*

*Good 🙂. We are now leaving, so I need your address.*

I give him my address and all of a sudden I get nervous. I don't know how or why I'm nervous. There is nothing to be nervous about. Only the fact of being alone with this guy who I don't even know!

Oh my god.

What if he's a serial killer?

What if he's a rapist?

What if he ends up being a psychopath?

What if he end up hurting me?

What if after tonight, he becomes stalker?

What if he is just another one of those celebrities that invites women over just to sleep with them?

What if he kidnaps me?

What if he holds me hostage?

I started hyperventilating just a little bit with all of these negative thoughts running through my head.

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