Getting Caught

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(The beginning)

Michael and I have been friends since as long as I can remember. How we met is quite unusual actually. I used to work at this town popular café, that was out in the boondocks of a little unknown town called tree hill, that probably had about 2,500 people living in it.

Michael, was on his bad tour when I first met him. It was just another usual day of work, nothing out of the ordinary happened, just like it would throughout the week. It was almost closing time until I heard the bell on our front door ring.

"I'm sorry, but we are closed." I told the unknown person, while I continued to sweep the floor.

"I'm sorry for coming in so late. I was really hoping to stop a grab a meal and the sign still says open." The stranger said.

When I heard the soft but manly tone of the persons voice it seemed familiar. I tried pointing my finger on it, but I just couldn't.

"There is no need to apologize, I apologize for false advertisement." I still hadn't turned around yet because I actually wanted to get home at a decent time.

"It's okay, madam. I'm sorry for intruding. You have a nice night." I ended up turning around, not believing who was in front of me.

"Y-you are M-Michael J-Jackson." I dropped the dustpan and the broom spilling it everywhere.

My crush, my dream man, my sexual fantasies was right in front of me. He looks so much fucking better in person. I promise you this mans features were flawlessly perfect.

"Uh oh, I think you made a little bit bigger mess. Let me help you." Michael giggled a little. He walked over to me picking up the broom from the floor sweeping it. "Please, just call me Michael. Michael Jackson, is my stage name." Michael also grabbed the dustpan, sweeping the dirt and food crumbs from the floor into it, then dumping it into the garbage can.

When he came closer to me, I smelled his cologne. It wasn't too strong, just enough to know that he smelled fantastic.

"W-what are you doing in Tree Hill?"

"Well, I just got done with my last concert date in Huston, now I'm headed to Atlanta. I was just passing through the town, looking for a low key place to hopefully eat. Considering, that you are closed for the night, I suppose I will have my bus driver take me through a drive thru." Michael sounded sad at the end, which made me feel shitty. "I guess I should head out, it was great meeting you. You have a good rest of the night." Michael was about to leave when I stopped him.

"No! I mean, it's ok! I would be honored to serve you. Please have a seat." Michael looked down at my chest reading my name tag and smiled.

"Y/N, are you sure it won't be a bother? I feel like I have taken up too much of your time already. I wouldn't want you to do extra work just for me." The way my name rolled off of his tongue sounded like heaven to my ears.

"N-no, please I would feel bad for making you leave without serving you. Please, I insist. Whatever you want is on the house." He ended up setting at the booth furthest from the window.

"I couldn't allow you to feed me for free. Especially, going out of your way for me. Are you hungry to?"

"Don't worry about me, Michael. I will eat when I get home. And please, I couldn't take your money."

"Y/N, I want you to join me in a late dinner. I'm sure you are very hungry. It will make me feel bad if you don't enjoy the food with me." Michael stared into my eyes with those puppy dog eyes. I melted straight into his gaze.

"Okay, I'll join you Michael." I gave him a smile, which caused a big bright smile to appear on his beautiful face.

(Present time now)

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