The Hauntings 2

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(Warning: this does include sensitive and disturbing images. Please read with caution. It is only a story and I got these gifs from the series, 'The Haunting of Hill House' it's on Netflix.)

Michael said in the deepest voice I have ever heard from him with a evil grin plastered on his face.

"W-we are going to say goodbye now, ZoZo." I forced it to goodbye tossing the planchette somewhere in the room.

"Okay, Michael baby I think I'm just going to go home. Ok?" I got off of the bed and started to the bedroom door.

Michael grabbed my arm tightly forcing me to look at him.

"Why would you close the game, sweetheart? We were only just getting started

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"Why would you close the game, sweetheart? We were only just getting started."

"I-I'm really tired Michael. I should be getting h-home."

"No!" A loud bang came from across the hall.

"You aren't going anywhere, miss." And then that devilish laugh was heard.

"You know my secret. I can't allow you to leave and tell your story about my game. No one will want to play with me then."

"Michael or ZoZo, sir I'm sorry we bothered you. I tried telling Michael it wasn't a good idea, but he insisted we do it anyways. Please, just don't hurt or kill me."

"Tell me something, miss. What do you believe in?" ZoZo asked me while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Baby, don't answer him." My Michael finally came through, but was quickly taken over again.

I had no way out of this besides to oblige with Satan who took over my boyfriends body.

"What do you mean? Religion wise?"

"Yes! What else would I be talking about!?" He started getting angry, getting in my face.

"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to be clear on the question you were asking me."

"I am starting to get angry, do you want to know what I do to people who make me angry?"

"No. I'll answer the question, sir. I believe in higher powers. I don't really like religion, it's all based on good and evil."

Why the fuck am I having a conversation with the damn devil?

"I guess my question to you is do you believe in my father and brother?" ZoZo asked me again.

"Well it changes a lot when you are talking to Lucifer or ZoZo or whatever name you like to be called."

"You can call me Lucifer, Beezlebub, Satan, ZoZo the Dark Lord. Which ever you prefer sweetheart."

"I'll stick with Lucifer, sir."

"As you wish. So you do know what I like to do to people who disrespect me, correct?"

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