Boss Man 3

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I walked downstairs, straight outside. I didn't know where I was going, but I really didn't care.

I made it to the beautiful carousel that was lit up so perfectly in the dark. With the music playing and it slowly going around in circles.

"Would you like to ride on it?" Michael asked from behind me. It scared me because I didn't hear him coming.

"No, I'm fine." I walked away and over to wherever my feet took me.

I explored everything that wasn't too far away from the house. I wasn't trying to do all that walking at night. Plus, Michael guided me and gave me a tour of his happy place. This is every persons dream home.

I mean who would have ever imagined to have hundreds of acres of land, with ponds, a pool, a build in the ground trampoline, with magical statues that represent something, to the beautiful flowers that are outstandingly amazing, to having your own amusement park with concession stands through the place, and your own movie theater? I mean the list goes on an on. Oh let's not forget to mention your own god damn train and zoo.

"I don't like how quiet you are being." Michael spoke up - wrapping his arms around me from the back. Leaning his cheek against the top of my head.

I moved away from him. Don't judge me. This is all happening too fast. I just experienced my first kiss from the man of my dreams, on the first day I met him. My very first love. How unprofessional is that?

I can't do this. I can not have this type of relationship with him. What if things get ruined? Then what? I'll never be able to see him the same again. And I love blasting his music in my car, when I'm cleaning, or just in general.

I can't do this.

"Ivy.." Michael sighed disappointed.

"I-I can't do this Michael, I-I'm sorry." I walked away heading towards my car.

"Can't or don't want to?" I didn't answer him, I didn't know what to say exactly.

"You know what? I can't force you or beg you to work for me, so I'm not going to. I'm a busy business man and I am not going to chase you around. It's your loss if you choose to leave." Michael said right behind me.

I turned around to look at him.

"What do you expect me to do, Michael? I applied for the PA job because I love what I do and what it implies. I read the description of the application, it said nothing about any sorts of being intimate with you. I didn't apply to sleep with my boss. It is very unprofessional and causes too many issues. Besides, you are trying to sleep with me now. You don't even know me, I don't know you."

"See that is where you are wrong, Ivy. I do know you, but I knew you from afar. I knew as soon as I seen your picture and name - that I was automatically picking you. Like I told you before - Whitney told me nothing but incredible things about you. And yes I want you - I have wanted you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. Going back to what I just said, I have more important things to worry about, then to get down on my knees, and beg you to stay. I'm just not going to do it." Michael said sternly.

"I do want to work for you, Michael - I really do. I just don't see why we have to mix business with pleasure - that is not a good combination. Why can't we just strictly keep it business related?"

Michael walked even closer to me.

"I don't want you just for business. I want you in every single way that I am allowed to have you. That's up to you. You decide on what you want, I'll be inside I have work to do. If you choose to leave, don't bother trying to come back, don't even call me." With that being said, Michael headed back towards the house, walking inside.

I stood outside leaning against my car, thinking.

Michael is the most beautiful thing that the universe has ever created. He is one of a kind man. His beautiful features, his lean tall body, his amazing kindness to the whole world.

Any woman would do anything and everything just for him to acknowledge them or even look their way.

How he goes to hospitals to visit sick people and pass out toys. And he even invites them to Neverland just for them to have a free mind escape. Who else does that?

Exactly no one.

But then again he is Michael Jackson, and that comes with a lot of baggage. One of the most busiest man on the planet.

I have what it takes to do the job. I completely have the experience and knowledge to do it. What I don't have experience in is being intimate with a man, or just anyone in general.

What I am scared of is not being enough for him and ruining everything. Which will most likely make everything awkward between us. I don't want that.

The real question is, is am I even ready to lose my virginity yet? Or do I even trust him enough to take it? I barely know him on a private personal level. I only know the famous persona of him.

Virginity doesn't really mean anything to me anyways. I have been in love with the man since the Jackson 5 days. What do I have to lose besides my job?

Ugh.. why is this so hard?

I should just do it to get it over with.

The next thing I knew, I was walking inside of the house - up the stairs, face to face with his office door.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in.." he said from the other side of the door.

I opened the door, walking inside, shutting the door behind me. Michael was sitting in his office chair, with his glasses on.

He looked up and seen me.

"Well hello to you Miss. Bradley, please, have a seat." He motioned for me to sit down in front of him.

He took his glasses off sitting them down on his desk.

I took the same seat that I was already in earlier.

"I thought you left Miss. Bradley - for how long it took you."

"N-no sir, I was just doing some thinking." Here I am being nervous again.

"About what?"

"I-I trust you Mr. Jackson."

Michael stood up and walked over to me leaning against his desk again.

"What exactly do you trust me with, Miss. Bradley?"

"W-with everything."

"Miss. Bradley, I need you to be more specific on what you mean."

"I-I trust you to t-take my v-virginity, sir." Man I was stuttering so horribly.

"Oh, is that so Miss. Bradley? What changed your mind?"

"I-it doesn't mean anything t-to me. I-I just never had any interest with anyone."

"And you have interest in me all of a sudden?" He asked crossing his arms.

"I-I always had interest in you since the Jackson 5 days. You should have seen my room growing up. I had your face all on my wall. I h-have every single record of yours. I-I just don't want it to ruin or make things aw-awkward."

"Awww that's sweet of you." Michael grabbed my hand to make me stand up.

"Miss. Bradley, I'm very certain that it will not ruin things. If anything it will bring us closer together, I can promise you that. BUT I will not force or beg you to sleep with me, if you want to keep it on a business level, that's fine. I'll just have to manage."

"N-no, I want to do this. I-if I don't do it now, I'll never do it."

"If this is something you really want, I'll give it to you, Miss. Bradley."

"I already told you, s-sir."

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