My Brother's Best Friend 1

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Paisley's P.O.V

"Logan stop!" I slap him in the chest.

He loves just coming in my room for no reason at all. It gets annoying very easily. Him and his best friend Michael. Just saying his name makes me wanna roll my eyes. He's such a fucking dick and a player. Every time you see him, he has another girl under his arm.

"Wow she got you man." Michael says laughing.

Michael is really tall, but not too tall. He has short curly hair. Big bright brown eyes and one heck of a body.. he is one of my brothers best friend and he's 18.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY ROOM!" Finally they leave.

I texted my boyfriend Kyler telling him to come over if he wasn't busy. Thank god he wasn't. We've been dating since we were both 13 and we are now 16. Young love I should say. I hear the door bell and I'm running down the stairs only seeing Michael sitting on the couch eating some cheese.

"Why are you here? Where's my brother?"

"Ke'Yonna called him.. I'm staying over baby.." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Don't ever call me that."

I take a deep breathing before opening the door. Finally I opened it seeing my perfect boyfriend. He looks at me up and down. I blush.

"You look beautiful baby.." he tells me pulling me in for a kiss.

"Thank you babe.. you look handsome as always." I give him a peck on his lips.

I bring him inside and both him and Michael make eye contact. They don't like each other at all.

"Paisley, what the hell is he doing here?"

"I believe that's none of your damn business now is it?" Michael stands up.

"Her business is mine as well. Mind your own damn business for once. Go fuck Kelly. I seen you guys have been hanging out lately." Kyler shoots back with a evil smirk.

"If you don-!" Michael starts but I cut him off.

"Baby, go upstairs I'll be up there here in a minute. I'm going to get us something to drink." He nods his head walking up the stairs. I retrieve to the kitchen.

"I don't understand why you're still with him. The guy is a douche." Michael says following me in the kitchen.

"Watch your damn mouth about my boyfriend. At least he isn't you and fucks everything that has a whole stretched out vagina between their legs. Go get laid or something and leave me the fuck alone." I walked past him but he grabs my arm. I look at him in disgust.

"He's no good for you. He's cheating on you." He whispers in my ear before letting me go.

"Michael fuck off." I grit before walking away.

I swear that bastard gets on my nerves more than my own brother and that's sad if you ask me. Him and my brother have known each other since diapers. I don't understand it.

I walk upstairs to my room when I heard talking.

"Yeah, baby I hear you. I know.. you have to wait." That's Kyler.

"I know baby, I love you too." After that he hangs up.

I walk into the room playin it cool. He looks up at me and smiles.

"There you are beautiful." He walks over to me.

"Who was that you were talking to in the phone?" I swear he's a really good actor.

"That's my cousin. She wants me to come and visit her you know?"

"I see.. well you know, I heard the whole thing." His eyes got wide.

"Mhm, baby I love you. You'll have to wait bullshit!!" I grit my teeth.

"Baby I can explai-" I slap him so hard he holds his right cheek.

He looks back at me and this isn't the Kyler I know. He sprints towards me and slaps me in the face then pushes me to the floor. He kicks me in my stomach and I scream out in pain. Holding onto my stomach. He grabs a hand full of my hair and start yanking on it.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" He spits.

Tears start falling down.. what did I do? The last thing I see and remember is Michael asking if I was okay and him beating the shit outta Kyler before everything went black.

I don't really know how long I was out for but when I spoke it hurt. So did my body.

"L-Logan?" My throat was so dry it hurt so badly to talk.

"No, it's Michael.. how are you feeling?"

"Michael get away from me. I want my brother.."

It's then that I realize Michael was sitting on my bed and he had his big, soft, warms, hands holding mine caressing the back of my hand with his thumb. I do have to admit it's pretty cute. The way he's staring at our hands.


Ugh these voices inside my head.

I pull my hand away from his and he doesn't let go.

"Michael let go of my fucking hand." He sighs and releases my hand. He stands up walking to leave my bedroom.

"I'm glad your okay. You didn't break anything but you got some really bad bruises. Take care of it because it'll be swollen by morning. I'm going to be heading out since you don't want me here." With that he walks out.

Well he didn't have to leave but I must admit he was very nice. Wow just great..

"Michael!! Michael!?" He comes back up the stairs and comes to my room.

"Yes? Do you need anything?" I nod.

"C-can you hold me? I just feel like I need to be held." He looks at me confused before he speaks.

"Of course, yeah sure." He shuts the door and walks over to me. He takes his shoes off before getting in the bed. He lays down and gets comfortable before bringing me close to his chest. I've never felt so protected before.

When he started playing with my hair, I started relaxing closing my eyes. As soon as I fell asleep his phone rings.


"Hi baby.. what are you doing?"

I hear everything. I move away from him and he gives me a confused look.

I roll over to my side back facing him. I can hear him sigh and tell her that he loved her. Then he hangs up.

"Why did you do that?"

"Go Michael, go be with your girlfriend."

"B-but I didn-"

"Michael shut the fuck up and just go." He sighs because he got defeat and gets out of bed, putting shoes on then leaving.

Not a second later when he left I started crying. I just can't wait until the day comes when I'm healed.

(This part sucks because I wrote it 2 years ago! 🤣)

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