Dream Come True 2

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The drive to my house was an hour long. It was the best hour of my entire life. Just imagine having Michael Joseph Jackson in your car singing like no one was around him.

Michael asked me if I had any request of which song I wanted to hear. Of course I did.

"If you don't mind, I would love to hear Who Is It a-cappella."

"Who Is It?" He rubbed his chin as if he was thinking about it first. But then he started bopping his head beat boxing the actual melody of the song before starting.

"I gave her money, I gave her time, I gave her everything, inside one heart could find. I gave her passion, my very soul, I gave her promises and secrets so untold. And she promised me forever and a day we'd live as one. We made our vows, to live anew. She promised me in secret, that she'll love me for all time. It's a promise so untrue, tell me what will I do? And it doesn't seem to matter, and it doesn't seem right, cause the wheel has brought no fortune, still I cry alone at night. Don't you judge me of my composure, cause I'm lying to myself. And the reason why she left me, did she find in someone else." Then he stopped to look at me. "I could have kept going but I sound a bit pitchy and my voice is raspy."

"You were everything but pitchy and raspy. That was amazing Michael. The fact that you did that all in one motion really surprises me. No wonder you are the worlds greatest entertainer of all time. You deserve that title." He shyly smiled at me thanking me over and over again.

We finally pulled up to my house, quickly going inside, so no one will recognize him.

"You have a nice place, I don't see that the comment you made early makes sense. There is nothing wrong with it. It's cozy."

"I made the comment earlier because you live high class. I mean damn Michael, you live on a ranch surrounded by amusement park rides, a movie theater, even have your own zoo and a real life train. Trust me, this house doesn't even come close to how you live."

"Ev, stop doing that. I'm here aren't I? If I didn't like the feeling of this house, I would have left. It doesn't matter. Our lives are the complete opposite."

"It's whatever Michael." I said softly. "If you want to go ahead and shower, there is a bathroom down the hall, or you could go upstairs and use that one."

"Are you not coming with me?" Damn. I thought he was joking about that.

"Y-you want me t-to shower with y-you?" I stuttered nervously.

"Well yes. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." He grinned. "Come on, what's there to be nervous about?"

"The fact that we just met and you want me to join you in the shower." He backed away from me just a tad grabbing his bag.

"What ever. If you didn't want to shower with me, you should have just said no the first time." Michael started walking down the hall towards the bathroom.

"Follow me upstairs, we will use my bathroom."

"Just forget it, Everleigh. It's fine."

"Michael, follow me up the damn stairs. You want to shower? Let's shower." He turned back around walking towards me.

Am I making the right decision by doing this? The man who I have always fantasied about being with is actually here. It's not like we are going to see each other after tonight. So why not?

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