Loneliness 2

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That was a nice dream.

I woke up to someone kissing my neck. It scared me a lot because I'm not used to having people over at my house to stay. No one has ever stayed with me.

"Good morning, love bug. How are you feeling?" I jumped up feeling a lot of discomfort in between my thighs.

"M-Michael what are you doing here?" I asked him, it's then that I noticed that I was naked. I wrapped my body in my blankets.

"I stayed the night with you, love bug. Do you not remember last night?" I stared at him shyly.

"S-so that wasn't a dream? Y-you mean we had sex?" He raised up looking at me confused.

"No, it wasn't a dream. We didn't have sex, we made love." He stated matter-of-factly. "Love bug, are you ok? You seem fidgety."

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I look around everywhere but at him.

"Lydia, why are you acting strange?" He rolled over to where he was on top of me, making me lay back down. "Don't tell me you are regretting yesterday." I didn't answer him because I could have sworn this was a dream. On top of that, I don't regret not a damn thing.

He started chuckling shaking his head angrily. 

"I knew you weren't ready. I guess I made the wrong choice of who I wanted to have my first with. Wish I could take it back, just like my love for you." He got out of the bed, putting his clothes back on.

What he said really had stung me.

It's then that I noticed that I was crying.

"Y-you really think I wasn't ready?" He shrugged his shoulders in a rude way which pissed me off. "If I wasn't ready then I wouldn't have opened my legs for your stupid ass!" I wiped some of my tears before continuing. "If that's what you feel then this was a mistake and you were just using me. I've done nothing but dream of that moment, being with you in such intimate ways. So you can't stand there and say I wasn't ready when I clearly was."

I wrapped the sheet around my body before I got up off of the bed.

"You know your way out. Don't bother calling me either." More tears were falling as I made my way to the bathroom.

That's when it all came out. As soon as I shut the door behind me, I broke loose.

"Come on, Lydia get yourself together, girl. If he really loved you, he would chase after you. He would admit that this was a big misunderstanding. Fight for you. But he's not. Don't waste your time." I spoke to myself softly.

Maybe a shower will do. Besides, this aching in between my legs is starting to become painful.

I dropped the sheet from my body, walking over to the shower, turning the hot water on. I looked in the mirror one last time seeing the love marks he gave me before getting into the shower.

I put my whole body under the shower head feeling the heat slowly take away my aches. It was very soothing must I add.

I went over to reach for my shampoo bottle when I felt arms wrap around me from behind. I can recognize those arms and touch just in a split second.

"M-Michael what are you doing?"

"Claiming what is rightfully mine." He told me resting his cheek atop of my head.

"B-but I'm not yours. You said so yourself you regret falling in love." I told him with tears running down my cheeks again.

I hated saying that.

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