The Dance Teacher 3

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We made it out of the car, he was showing me around his property first, before our class began. And must I say I have NEVER seen anything like this before. What person on planet Earth would want to build a zoo and an amusement park at their own home? I mean he even as a MOVIE THEATER and a TRAIN! A real TRAIN! I mean I guess when you have been working for as long as he has. You put your heart and soul into it. Didn't have to a child hood not by choice you would want to surround yourself with these things.

As he was showing me around, I asked him about his child hood, and how it all started. Talking about his early years being in the family group with his brothers, it took him back to a place he doesn't like being. When talking about how Joseph beat him and all of his brothers when they did something so little as take too little of a step they would get it. Every little mistake. He was talking about the trauma that he went through because of that Pepsi commercial that Joseph signed them up for.

"Before I left the group, I was already secretly working on an album called Off the Wall. I wanted to show people that I can do it on my own. That my head was filled with music, but I couldn't express it, the record label didn't want to hear it. They wanted to do the same songs over and over again. I got burned out on doing the same sounds and routine. When I told my family I wanted to go solo they didn't believe in me. They said I didn't have what it takes. That I was nothing without them. My brother Jermaine told me that I wasn't going to make it by myself. Only my mother had faith in me at the time. She told me to express how I feel through music. Whether that's being with my brothers or solo. I took her advice and did it. I was talking to Quincy Jones and he agreed to produce Off the Wall. When the album released, I was still with my brothers so it confused a lot of people. It blew up, but it wasn't a blow out. I was still proud of it though. After that Quincy agreed to produce my album Thriller. Which took around 5 months to record and produce. But I wanted to make sure that this album was going to be the best album that I have ever put out. As soon as Thriller released that's when my whole life changed. It broke record after record. I didn't know what was going on. Well, I didn't go on a Thriller tour, my father got upset because I was officially leaving the group, and decided to schedule the very last tour which was The Victory Tour. Which I agreed to do. During that tour, people wanted to hear my music, not the Jackson 5. Which I happily gave to them. If it wasn't for my mother being so supportive, I wouldn't have made it as far as I have. I most likely wouldn't be the Michael Jackson that I am today." He apologized to me for going on a long rant, but honestly I don't mind. I listen to him word for word. I understood him more than ever now.

I'm starting to feel different about him...


"Okay, so are you ready to dance or what?" He asked excitedly.

"Am I ready to watch you dance? Of course." He giggled and shook his head no.

"This isn't about me. This is about you." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to where he was standing in the middle of the floor. "Now, since you don't know very many of my songs, out of those three what do you want to learn?" He asked me seriously still holding my hand.

"Are you seriously asking me that? I'm a noob. It's all going to be hard." I pulled my hand away from his taking a step back.

"The easiest one out of those is beat it. It's the same dance over and over again. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I shrugged.

I stood behind him so I could watch his every move. First I watched him show me the dance while he sung the song. The way his body was moving to the sound of his voice was phenomenal. Not a hesitation could be seen. The way he was so in to the dance, his facial expressions, it was all too much.

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