My Brother's Best Friend 5

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I'm laying here with this big hunk of handsome laying on top of me. I take this time to study all his beautiful features that God has blessed him with. His cute little plumped soft lips that just makes me want to kiss them all the time. The sparkle in his brown eyes. His pearly white teeth. The structure of his cheeks. Even though he struggles with lupus. It's so cute. The way his eyelashes flutter together. His cute eyebrows. Just everything was structured together so perfectly.

I can't believe after all this time we'd be right here. We both gave each other apart of us that we can never take back. I trust and love him. How can one go from completely hating them to loving them? I can't understand it. I write 'I love you' gently on his back. As I'm studying him I see little blotches all over his skin. I began tracing those. He starts stirring in his sleep. It's then that I hear is little faint snores. Damn he must have worked himself over. His mouth is really close to my left breast. His mouth is partly open. When he breathes out it sends goosebumps all throughout my body. I shiver. I try scooting away from him but that doesn't work. He wraps his arms around my body so I don't move. I try to squirm out again but that doesn't work.

"Would you stop disturbing my slumber.."

"But you are causing an issue sweetheart..." he opens one eye and looks at me. I nod my head to what I was talking about. He looked at it and smiled.

He blows cool air on both of them watching it stiffen. I gasped and closed my eyes. Before we went any further there was a knock on the door.

"Baby, I have to use the bathroom. Can you get the door?" He nods getting off of me.

I throw on his t-shirt while he puts his bottoms on. I head to the bathroom doing what I need to do. When I went to go open the door I couldn't believe my eyes. Michael was kissing another female.. please tell me I'm just making this up. We haven't even been together a full day and he's already cheating on me.

Once a player always a player.. I need to get out of here and far away from him as possible. I went to walk out and I noticed she was gone. Michael seen me and gave me a big smile. I completely ignored him. I gathered all my stuff up.

"Baby? What are you doing?" I still ignore him.

"Baby? Pais? Baby what are you doing?" He took a step closer to me and I put my hand out to stop him.

"Pais, baby what's wrong?"

"I'm getting the hell away from you." He gave me this confused look.

"W-What why?" He asks softly.

"Don't play fucking stupid with me Michael. I seen you having your hands all over her just 2 minutes ago. I guess it's true. Once a player always a player."

"Oh, baby you got it all wrong. She kissed me. I pushed her away. Please you have to believe me when I tell you that all I want is you. Please baby.. please.."

"Michael, you weren't pushing her away. I seen it! Save the lies for the next one. I'm done Michael." He grabs onto my hand.

"Pais, baby you'd think I hurt you? You're the world to me. I love you baby! Don't you love and trust me like I do you?" I don't say anything.

"Wow unfucking believable. Thank you for wasting all my damn time! I can't believe you. I bet you never loved me. I was just a play toy you wanted to use. The first girl I've ever fell in love with doesn't even love nor trusts me. Just know that I actually did fucking love you and I will for the rest of my life." Before I could reply he opened the door and was already in handcuffs.

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