Killer, Thriller

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Michael called me up at the last minute because he wanted to go see some type of horror movie. I mean it's October so that's when they show all of the horror movies.

I've been with Michael for about a year now and we never really get to go out to the movies. So the time we do get to go, his stupid ass would pick a fucking scary movie.

Which, I'm not the horror type of girl, so I was scared to death. Jumping what seemed like every 5 minutes.

I swear, I hate him.

Michael was enjoying himself way too much. Stuffing his face with all that damn popcorn, with a huge smile on his face.

I had my arm hooking inside of his, trying to hide my face in his shoulder

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I had my arm hooking inside of his, trying to hide my face in his shoulder.

"Can we get out of here?" I asked Michael who was still stuffing his mouth with popcorn.

"No, I'm enjoying this

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"No, I'm enjoying this." He looked at me for a brief second, before turning his attention back on the big screen.

"Well I can't watch." I stood up leaving him sitting there to watch it all by himself.

I didn't care.

Fuck that.

Fuck werewolves.

Fuck everything horror related.

I want to sleep at night!

As soon as I walked outside, surprisingly Michael followed my ass, giggling.

"It's only a movie."

"It's not funny." I said irritated.

"You were scared weren't you?" He still had that smile on his face.

"I wasn't that scared." I turned and walked away.

I heard him chuckle.

"Yeah, you were scared."

I started walking leaving his ass back there alone. I didn't know where the hell I was going, but I was just walking my scared ass down the street.

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