Getting Caught 2

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(I wasn't going to make this a 2 part series, but I decided to give it a try.)

It was the next morning and I woke up alone. There was no sight or sign of Michael anywhere. I got out of the bed, slipping on one of Michaels white t-shirt, which looked like a really short dress on me.

After, doing partial of my morning routine, I went downstairs for breakfast.

Really regretting that I decided to go down the stairs.

Michael was making out with Lisa on the couch. Like a full blown make out session.

I grabbed one of Michael's loafers and whacked him on the back of the head hard. Like you actually heard it hit his skull. Me being the petty bitch that I am, I pulled his hair.

"What the hell Y/N?!" Michael hurried off of the couch, angry.

"Worthless piece of shit." I mumbled to myself walking back up the stairs.

"Oh my god.. Mikey are you okay baby?" I heard Lisa ask him before I made it to the top step.

I went back to the room changing into the clothes that I wore here.

You know, I am not even mad. I'm hurt but I am not mad. I am more mad at myself than anything.

What the hell was I thinking that Michael, would ever want to be with me? Even if I am carrying his child.

Why the fuck would I continue to sleep with a married man? The dick isn't worth it. Ok, it is but still. You just set yourself up for your own failure. My inner self said.

Fuck him. Fuck Lisa.

I gathered my stuff walking out of the bedroom. I made it downstairs where they both still were.

I didn't even look over towards their direction. Both him and her disgust me. They are perfect for each other.

But I did have to say two things to them. Especially her.

"You can have my sloppy ass fuck buddy back, cunt. The dick wasn't that good anyways." That was all I said before I walked out of the door.

"It was good enough to get you pregnant." My inner self said again.

I heard Michael say something, but I wasn't interested in anything he had to say.

I got into my car, getting everything situated, before taking off.

I looked through my rear view mirror seeing Michael run after my car. Just to make sure he doesn't catch up to me, I sped up a little bit more and out of the gates in no time.


My whole way home, Michael was blowing up my phone. I couldn't enjoy my music. When I finally did get home, I blocked every access that I had to him.

I don't know why in a million years I thought he would pick me over Lisa. If that was the case he would never have married her.

Clearly she has something that I don't have. I mean, she got rid of his baby, got pregnant by someone else. Now he was making out with her?


I have better pussy than her! I do know that for sure.

I need a hot shower. I feel disgusting.

I took about a 20-30 minute shower. I'm not sure why, I think just the heat of the shower was so relaxing. It felt good on my tense muscles that were in my back.

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