My Coach 3

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Michael didn't say anything else afterwards. He didn't even look at me. After he got done washing his hair thoroughly, along with his body, he was out and quickly dressed. He left the locker room without even telling me.

I hurriedly dried off and got dressed. I rushed out of the locker room and I heard Michael talking on the phone.

"Lynn, I said no. You can not come over tonight. I swear to God if you do, whatever we had, will be over. Ok? Bye." He hung up his phone running his fingers through his wet curls. 

Michael has a girlfriend or a fuck buddy?

Why the hell did he tell me he loved me then?

He did fucking take advantage of me. Stupid prick.

I didn't make any type of acknowledgment towards him. Nope. Instead I walked towards the door to leave the gym.

"Babe!" Michael hollered for me.

It didn't take him long to catch up to me. Michael is a fast runner.

"Babe, where are you going? You are going the wrong way." He grabbed my hand.

"I'm going home, Michael." I pulled my hand away from his, hugging myself as if it was cold outside.

"No! What? Why? You are coming home with me, remember?"

"Have Lynn to fucking come over it's what you are used to anyways." I spit, staring at him, rolling my eyes, walking away.

Michael just stood there dumbfounded.

He didn't follow me, even if he did, I still wasn't going home with him. I don't even want to be around him at this point.


I made it home safe and sound. When I got home, I walked over to my dog, who was just sitting there wagging his tail.

"Hi baby, mommy missed you today." I walked over and picked him up like a little baby.

Theo is the only man that I need in my life. I know that he is never going to hurt me. He never does.

"Come on, let's go to bed." I put him down on the floor and he flew upstairs to where my room is.

I made sure the door was locked, before I started upstairs. I walked in my room and Theo was already under the blankets waiting for me.

My phone kept vibrating in my pocket - so I checked it, laying down in my bed.

It was from Michael.

Coach J 🏀: *Erica, why did you leave?*

Coach J 🏀: *You didn't even let me explain.*

Coach J 🏀: *I didn't even know you heard the conversation.*

Coach J 🏀: *Can I call you? Please?*

Coach J 🏀: *Erica can we please talk about this?*

Coach J 🏀: *You know I would never do anything to hurt you, baby.*

Coach J 🏀: *Fine, you leave me no choice.*

I didn't know what that meant, but I put my phone on charge, laying it down on my nightstand.

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