The Bully 8

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My mom ended up taking the job offer in Texas. Which pays triple the amount of the last location she was at. We have been here for a little over 10  months now. I love it.

My baby ended up being a baby boy, which I named him Maleek Jeremiah Tyson. Yes, I put my last name on my son. If you have a problem with it, hop off my dick.

Michael has no idea about the gender of the baby. I am keeping it that way. He keeps calling and texting me. I never answer the phone or text him back. He wants to know how the baby is doing. If I need him to send me some money to help me financially. It's none of his business. I shouldn't have told him in the first place but I did.

The only bad thing about it is that Maleek has more features of Michael than he does of me. What are the odds right?

I continued homeschooling instead of going to school so I could be with Maleek 24/7. Maleek is actually a really good baby. Usually, I just change and feed him in the mornings, put him back in his crib to sleep and he usually wakes up around 11:00-12:00. Depending on if he is cranky, hungry or needs changed.

Most days when I am holding Maleek I am just so mesmerized by him. He has changed my life for the better. To think Michael wanted me to get rid of him just pisses me off still to this day. I would love to get rid of him for ever.

Speaking of the devil he just texted me.

*Can you please meet me at the park closest to where you live in 5 minutes?*

What?! How on earth did he find me? I haven't seen him in 10 months. Michael shouldn't be here or anywhere near my house. I clearly stated that I wanted nothing to do with him. What does he not understand?! Apparently nothing!

*You are unbelievable. Didn't I tell you that I wanted nothing to do with you? No, I am not meeting you at the park, I am not meeting you anywhere! Leave me the hell alone.* I replied to him.

*I knew you were going to say that. You leave me no choice.*

Not only a couple of minutes later I heard a knock at my door. I put Maleek in his crib, just long enough to tell who ever is at my door to fuck off.

I opened it.

It was Michael.

Michael had a smile on his face, I had a pissed off look on my face.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing here? How the hell did you find me?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"You haven't been answering any of my calls or texts. I have been worried about you and our baby. It doesn't matter how I found you. I am here now, doesn't that mean something?"

"No. No, Michael it doesn't. Nothing you do means shit anymore. It is my baby, not ours. We are perfectly fine without you."

"Bianca, I want to be apart of my child's life. I have every right to be apart of it. Please, I have been thinking nonstop about the baby since you left. Don't shut me out of their life."

"Don't blame this on me. You made the decision when you told me to get an abortion. Not to mention you said, "I never wanted to be a father. I don't want to have a burden on my back." really says it all Michael. If you really wanted to be apart of my baby's life you would have found me 10 months ago. Guess what? You didn't." I started becoming angry.

"B, I know what I said was hurtful, I wish I wouldn't have said it. I lost the 2 most important people in my life due to my actions and choices. If I could take-" I couldn't stand hearing any more of this bull shit. So I interrupted him.

"If I could take it back I would." I finished for him. "How many times have I heard that before!? Guess what! You never fucking change! You get a kick out of hurting me, that's fine. When it comes to my baby that's when we have a problem." I started raising my voice which caused Maleek to start crying. "I have a baby to attend to, so if you can just leave and never come back that would be awesome. Bye." I went to shut the door turning my back against it to go get Maleek so I could calm him down.

"Oh my god. He is beautiful and perfect." Michael whispered behind me.

Now I know this motherfucker didn't just welcome himself into my house without asking.

"Michael, get the hell out of my house!" I yelled but in a whisper.

"I told you I came to see our baby. Were you ever going to tell me the gender of the baby?" He yelled back in a whisper.

I finally got Maleek to settle down, putting him back in his crib. I took Michael into the kitchen so that way if I want to be loud I can without waking him up.

"No, I wasn't planning on ever telling you shit! Who told you it was ok to just enter my god damn house?!" I yelled.

"I told you what I came here for. I want to be apart of my sons life, whether you like it or not. You shouldn't keep him away from me."

"I'm keeping him as far away from you as possible to protect him. He has no part of you expect his features and that you helped create him."

"Protect him from what? What do you mean he has no part of me? He has just as much part of me as he does you. That doesn't make any sense. He is my son."

"Protecting him from his psychotic monster of a want to be father. As far as he will ever know is that he doesn't have a father. Technically he is your son, but he doesn't have your last name, and you didn't sign the birth certificate."

"You are really testing my limits Bianca. Why wouldn't you put my last name on our son? He should have Jackson as his last name. He is a Jackson." Michael started to get pissed off. I always found him even more attractive when he was pissed off.

"And what exactly are you going to do about Michael? Maleek may be a Jackson but he is also legally/born a Tyson. You told me to take Jackson off of the baby so I did. You are welcome." I smiled sarcastically.

Michael walked closer to me slowly until my back hit refrigerator. He trapped me with both hands on each side of my head with hardly any room between us.

He leaned in so close that our lips almost touched.

"I am going to show you what I am going to do about it. Let me be apart of Maleek's life. Let me prove and show you that I can/want to be an amazing father to him." Michael whispered against my lips. His eyes scanned my body before turning his attention back on me. "You are still so fucking perfect even after having our son." His hands went down to my hips caressing my ass.

He pulled me closer to him attaching his lips against mine.

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