The Bully 2

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I can't believe I allowed myself to be mean to, Bianca. Growing up, my father and brothers always bullied me because of the way I looked. They still do til this day. I guess just coming from that type of background.. it's just a natural thing to hurt someone just as much as I hurt. I wanted someone to feel the same exact pain as I feel, and I found the weakest person, or at least thought I did.

Switching from school to school can be hard. I just wanted to fit in. I seen a few people picking on this girl, and I thought it'd be cool to do it as well. I knew I took it too far today. The look of fear and damage in her eyes told me something. It told me, that she was in the same predicament I am in. She had no one to love and care for her. People like me were setting her up for failure. She just wanted someone to want and care for her.

Hurting others is what made me happy. Even though everything I said wasn't true to her, it still made me feel wrongfully good. But I knew right then and there, when I chased her, that I was done. Hearing her cry, broke my heart. And when she walked away from me, I knew she had me.

I had to follow her. I needed her to listen to me. Let her know that she isn't alone in this. That I'm her friend. I'll always be there for her. No matter what it may be.

I quickly left the school. I didn't get to my car fast enough to follow her to her house, so I had to basically stalk her on the internet in order to get her address. Once, I got it I locked it in my GPS and headed to her house as soon as I possibly could without getting a ticket.

When I got to her house, I didn't have to second guess it. I quickly got out knocking on the front door, but she didn't answer. I walked around the back door to see if it's unlocked and luckily it was. No one was answering the front door so I just welcomed myself in through the back.

I walked through the house, not really caring if I run into someone or not, I'm on a mission. I looked in every room until I got to one last one, I didn't even knock. I opened the door to see no one was in there but I heard crying, coming from maybe the bathroom? I walked inside of her room and opened the door to what I was guessing the bathroom, which I was right, just to see Bianca in the bathtub with a razor blade to her wrist.

The look of loneliness was written all over her face. Tears, stained her cheeks. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm giving you all what you have prayed and wished for. You have been right all along, Michael. You and your friends. No one wants me. My own mother wishes I would have died instead of my father in that car wreck. I have no friends or family. No one would care or notice that I'm gone. Are you ready to get what you wished for?" She was getting ready to push the blade into her skin when I stopped her. I took the blades away from her and flushed them down the toilet. "What are you doing, Michael!? Huh!? Isn't this what you and your friends wanted? Isn't this what the hell you wanted!? You wanted to push me until I killed my self, huh!?" She started crying and I just really wanted to hold her.

"No, B I don't want you to kill your self. That's the last thing that I want you to do. You are so much stronger than this, B. Don't lower yourself to what people put you out to be."

"What Michael Jackson puts me out to be! I don't even talk to you or try to be anywhere near you! As soon as you heard that fake ass rumor, that was your time to shine and embarrass the living fuck out of me. I don't even know why the fuck you are here! This should be your dream come true." I don't even remember taking my shoes off but I got into the bathtub with her and set at the other end of it.

"Well it's not my dream come true. I don't want anything bad happening to you, B. I will admit, I'm the biggest fuck up, and I had no right to treat you the way that I did to look cool. I shouldn't have treated such a beautiful girl horribly wrong. All of that stuff I said to you, wasn't true, Bianca. I don't think you are ugly. You are the exact opposite. I know an apology isn't enough for what I caused, but I do hope that soon enough you'll forgive me. I know it's not my job to protect you, but I'm making it my job to do so. I'm not going to allow anyone else to hurt you." I tell her truthfully. While, just now realizing that I was wiping each tear that ran down her cheeks.

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